I bought 3 lg. bags of Dupont Rubber Mulch because I read that it doesn't fade, it doesn't float when it rains, and they last like 12 years without the need to be replaced. I was wondering anyone has used them around rose bushes. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know if rubber mulch is ok to use for rose beds?
that stuff works great everywhere I have placed it around a few of my customers roses , bushes, flowers and old mulch beds just make sure there isnt any touching the trunk of whatever you are planting around!
Monday, January 30, 2012
How can i use Rose Jam?
i have a big bottle of home made Rose jam. i dont want to eat it with bread. do you have any reciepe where i can use it?
How can i use Rose Jam?
Yes, make two layers of a white cake and put the jam between the layers as a filling. Although, that would be so wonderful with clotted cream and scones.
Reply:Thank you ^,^ Report It
Reply:I like to use it as a sauce on pork.
Reply:in a compote made with pears and rosewater syllabub.
Park Hotel Ahrensburg
How can i use Rose Jam?
Yes, make two layers of a white cake and put the jam between the layers as a filling. Although, that would be so wonderful with clotted cream and scones.
Reply:Thank you ^,^ Report It
Reply:I like to use it as a sauce on pork.
Reply:in a compote made with pears and rosewater syllabub.
Park Hotel Ahrensburg
Hey can anyone tell me how to do any good magic tricks with either a rose or flowers?
a good example is the popular one of turning a torch into a rose. but really any trick will work. A good one I'm after is learning to make it appear as if I'm pulling a flower or rose from midair.
Hey can anyone tell me how to do any good magic tricks with either a rose or flowers?
oh those. I have a few of those. These are actually stage tricks, not close ups, so the flowers, roses or whatever are fake. They collapse and conseal in your hand.
Reply:If anyone just tells you a magic trick for free I will personally come smack some sense into them. That is such a violation of an unspoken code of magicians that it's not even funny! Stop being a cheapskate and learn magic the way everyone else has to.
green cream
Hey can anyone tell me how to do any good magic tricks with either a rose or flowers?
oh those. I have a few of those. These are actually stage tricks, not close ups, so the flowers, roses or whatever are fake. They collapse and conseal in your hand.
Reply:If anyone just tells you a magic trick for free I will personally come smack some sense into them. That is such a violation of an unspoken code of magicians that it's not even funny! Stop being a cheapskate and learn magic the way everyone else has to.
I have dug a rose up and its dying?
i recently dug up a rose bush in my garden and put it in a pot. I have been watering it but it seems to be dying. What can i do to save it?
I have dug a rose up and its dying?
Cut it back as much as you can to preserve the core of the rose and then make sure you do not over water it, but keep the soil in the plant-pot moist to the touch.
Reply:Roses do not respond well to being transplanted. Make sure to not water it too much and give it sun. I recently transplanted some roses and for about 3 weeks thought I had killed them. They have come back very strong and look great.
Reply:depends what kind of rose. they will come back alive i have one growing in a pot don't give them toooo much water prune the dead spots and they will come back !! the roots ahould not be touched ( do not damage alot ok *^^*) let them live, just leave them alone tat will do the trick!!
Reply:It appears you have lost some of the root system when moving it. prune it back to an eye, you don't want the remaining roots wasting energy feeding nearly dead growth. Don't let it dry out throughout the summer, lol, and it will surprise you how quickly they recover. They are tough things.
Reply:I have found that when i have moved plants, they do die off, but then they come back again.
Just give it time and it should come back and bloom again.
Sometimes they do not come back untill the following year.
Reply:Roses like acidic soil. Go to a nursery and buy some special rose soil as well as some rose food. A great natural source that you can use as mulch that will break down into acid are fallen pine needles. If you've got a tree - or a neighbor's tree, use the fallen pieces and lay them on the surface of the soil same as you would with mulch.
Reply:its same problem has undertaker with humans it will not recover
Reply:maybe too much water? not enough sunlight.
Reply:The stress may just stop it from growing, preserving all energy to root again. Leave it, water it, talk to it and hope it roots and will be fine next season. Prune late autum to give it a chance. and you can fertilize with bonemeal and fish blood. (bought at a garden centre) Good luck, fingers X
Reply:Pray to the God of Roses and keep your not so green fingers crossed. Give it a helping hand by pruning it back a bit and keep soil moist. Next time do it when the plants are dormant.
Reply:i just did the same thing and my rose has wilted.i knew better than to try it,but i needed to have it moved from where it was at. i am keeping it watered real good,and gave it rose fertilizer,and i hope it lives.i'm going to cut it back now,and see what happens.good luck to you! after wilting,turning yellow and brown you should see some form of life remaining!
Reply:It's not a good time to move plants in full leaf, as the transpiration of moisture is very high, which means the roots need to be able to pull in loads of water and nutrients. Moving the plant destroys the soil/root connections and they don't work as well until they get re-established in the pot. All you can do is keep watering it and keep your fingers crossed. Next time remember to move it in the winter!
Reply:what a very clever thing to do. what type of rose is it? how old is it?
it should not have been subjected to this treatment.
Reply:Put some water soluble fertiliser on it.
Reply:u can replant it in the ground with peat moss. then water it with just a little miracle grow. then repeat that until u see an improvement. but use miracle grow twice or three times a week. mon.-wed.-sat.
Reply:Rose bushes do not like to be moved or transplanted. I know--I killed two that I had for several years but wanted to move to my backyard (protected with a fence) because the deer were having a late night snack on them in the front yard.
I was extremely careful to dig deep and not sever the roots. No go ....both died on me. I was bummed !!
Maybe if you tried planting back in your garden ???
Reply:When you moved it, if you severed (cut) most of the roots and put it in a small pot (after it had had the entire yard to grow in) then you have killed it.
If it was small and had few roots then there is hope.
Do not drown it though. Wilting after transplanting is normal. Prune the top part of the rose. You want to make certain that the amount of roots to the amount of top growth is equivalent. In other words there needs to be sufficient roots to supply nutrition to the stems %26amp; leaves.
You would do etter to go buy a small rose and pot it up...and put the one you are attempting to grow in a pot back in the ground.
Reply:Roses don't like to live in pots (except maybe miniature or very small varieties) so put it back in the garden where it belongs.
Reply:Digging it up in full leaf is the trouble . Not ideal, but if you have to , so be it . Just keep taking care of it, eventually it will recover . It would help if it had some afternoon shade, until it recovers. In the future , if you need to move any roses, or any shrubs , do it first thing in spring ( March- early April) or in late fall (late Oct. - early Dec.) Roses are best moved in the fall.
Reply:Listen to boojum ! He's right!
Reply:Cut it back to the last 2 buds as it is dying due to evaporation through the young leaves. Leave a little of the old growth and leave the rest to Mother Nature and it will be a lot happier until you re-plant.
Reply:I agree with Spirit Girl. I've planted stuff and gave up on it and when you least suspect it comes up. I guess it's kinda like re-adapting.
Reply:Transplanting almost always means that it will wilt somewhat. You should never transplant during the heat of summer unless you have no other option. Right now it's damage control... if you haven't already, get soil specifically made for roses and feed them well. Make sure the water is sufficient and pay a lot of attention to it and it may live. Good luck.
Reply:YOU CANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
You dont take plants out of the ground beacuase ghuess what now you ripped the roots out how is it gonna grow
Go backk to 1st grade
I have dug a rose up and its dying?
Cut it back as much as you can to preserve the core of the rose and then make sure you do not over water it, but keep the soil in the plant-pot moist to the touch.
Reply:Roses do not respond well to being transplanted. Make sure to not water it too much and give it sun. I recently transplanted some roses and for about 3 weeks thought I had killed them. They have come back very strong and look great.
Reply:depends what kind of rose. they will come back alive i have one growing in a pot don't give them toooo much water prune the dead spots and they will come back !! the roots ahould not be touched ( do not damage alot ok *^^*) let them live, just leave them alone tat will do the trick!!
Reply:It appears you have lost some of the root system when moving it. prune it back to an eye, you don't want the remaining roots wasting energy feeding nearly dead growth. Don't let it dry out throughout the summer, lol, and it will surprise you how quickly they recover. They are tough things.
Reply:I have found that when i have moved plants, they do die off, but then they come back again.
Just give it time and it should come back and bloom again.
Sometimes they do not come back untill the following year.
Reply:Roses like acidic soil. Go to a nursery and buy some special rose soil as well as some rose food. A great natural source that you can use as mulch that will break down into acid are fallen pine needles. If you've got a tree - or a neighbor's tree, use the fallen pieces and lay them on the surface of the soil same as you would with mulch.
Reply:its same problem has undertaker with humans it will not recover
Reply:maybe too much water? not enough sunlight.
Reply:The stress may just stop it from growing, preserving all energy to root again. Leave it, water it, talk to it and hope it roots and will be fine next season. Prune late autum to give it a chance. and you can fertilize with bonemeal and fish blood. (bought at a garden centre) Good luck, fingers X
Reply:Pray to the God of Roses and keep your not so green fingers crossed. Give it a helping hand by pruning it back a bit and keep soil moist. Next time do it when the plants are dormant.
Reply:i just did the same thing and my rose has wilted.i knew better than to try it,but i needed to have it moved from where it was at. i am keeping it watered real good,and gave it rose fertilizer,and i hope it lives.i'm going to cut it back now,and see what happens.good luck to you! after wilting,turning yellow and brown you should see some form of life remaining!
Reply:It's not a good time to move plants in full leaf, as the transpiration of moisture is very high, which means the roots need to be able to pull in loads of water and nutrients. Moving the plant destroys the soil/root connections and they don't work as well until they get re-established in the pot. All you can do is keep watering it and keep your fingers crossed. Next time remember to move it in the winter!
Reply:what a very clever thing to do. what type of rose is it? how old is it?
it should not have been subjected to this treatment.
Reply:Put some water soluble fertiliser on it.
Reply:u can replant it in the ground with peat moss. then water it with just a little miracle grow. then repeat that until u see an improvement. but use miracle grow twice or three times a week. mon.-wed.-sat.
Reply:Rose bushes do not like to be moved or transplanted. I know--I killed two that I had for several years but wanted to move to my backyard (protected with a fence) because the deer were having a late night snack on them in the front yard.
I was extremely careful to dig deep and not sever the roots. No go ....both died on me. I was bummed !!
Maybe if you tried planting back in your garden ???
Reply:When you moved it, if you severed (cut) most of the roots and put it in a small pot (after it had had the entire yard to grow in) then you have killed it.
If it was small and had few roots then there is hope.
Do not drown it though. Wilting after transplanting is normal. Prune the top part of the rose. You want to make certain that the amount of roots to the amount of top growth is equivalent. In other words there needs to be sufficient roots to supply nutrition to the stems %26amp; leaves.
You would do etter to go buy a small rose and pot it up...and put the one you are attempting to grow in a pot back in the ground.
Reply:Roses don't like to live in pots (except maybe miniature or very small varieties) so put it back in the garden where it belongs.
Reply:Digging it up in full leaf is the trouble . Not ideal, but if you have to , so be it . Just keep taking care of it, eventually it will recover . It would help if it had some afternoon shade, until it recovers. In the future , if you need to move any roses, or any shrubs , do it first thing in spring ( March- early April) or in late fall (late Oct. - early Dec.) Roses are best moved in the fall.
Reply:Listen to boojum ! He's right!
Reply:Cut it back to the last 2 buds as it is dying due to evaporation through the young leaves. Leave a little of the old growth and leave the rest to Mother Nature and it will be a lot happier until you re-plant.
Reply:I agree with Spirit Girl. I've planted stuff and gave up on it and when you least suspect it comes up. I guess it's kinda like re-adapting.
Reply:Transplanting almost always means that it will wilt somewhat. You should never transplant during the heat of summer unless you have no other option. Right now it's damage control... if you haven't already, get soil specifically made for roses and feed them well. Make sure the water is sufficient and pay a lot of attention to it and it may live. Good luck.
Reply:YOU CANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
You dont take plants out of the ground beacuase ghuess what now you ripped the roots out how is it gonna grow
Go backk to 1st grade
Beg. gardener with 2 rose bushes over 7 ft tall with long, dangly branches. Where and how should I cut it?
Need advice on where to cut it at, how much to cut off, and what kind of rose food to feed. Thank you.
Beg. gardener with 2 rose bushes over 7 ft tall with long, dangly branches. Where and how should I cut it?
i usually cut mine in February. to a height of 8 inches. i feed them with Bayer total rose food, i think is the name of it. it has fertilizer, fungicide, and insecticide. i also replace the mulch.
Reply:Pruning depends on the type of rose bushes that you have. With all of them, always remove any dead branches and old flower seed heads etc.
Typical rose bushes are pruned 'harshly' each year, in order to get them to grow vigorously and produce tons of flowers. Around 12'' in height is good for them. I do this in February, but there is still time for this.
Climbing and shrub roses grow a little differently, and respond to a lighter pruning. With climbers just take off any over-crowded or very weak growth, and train them laterally, as this helps to get more flowers forming. Shrub roses are also better with a higher pruning, taking out overcrowding, or where branches are rubbing against each other. Take off a third off any older branches, and a maximum of a third of younger vigorous stems. Take the older ones down to 12'' or so, and the weaker younger ones to 12-18''.
Prune all roses so that you cut almost immediately above where the leaves were, and you'll probably see some sprouting buds in these points. To help manage your plants, aim to select your cuts so that the buds will shoot outwards from your plant. Cut diagonally with a slope away from the shoot - this prevents water build up and decay etc. The reason you don't leave much shoot above your cut, is that this part of the stem will dieback to your buds, and too much dead stem is not a good thing.
I'd add a mulch of some horse manure if you can, as this helps to retain water in the soil below - roses are surface rooting, and love plenty of water during a hot summer. It also releases a steady stream of fertilizer for you plant. Otherwise, a slow release fertilzer for flowering plants, or specifically tailored to roses.
I realize the diffulty here is trying to establish what sort of rose plants that you have - shrub or the normal lower height bush roses - and then the right sort of pruning. I'd probably go with what desired shape you'd like, and take the risk of some harsher pruning than some of them would like - the first year may mean less flowers, but they will grow to the form that you'd like and will flower more profusely in future. Maybe see if any friends or neighbours can help you work out what they are.
Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
Reply:Sounds like they are climbing roses, you might want to check here for pruning them
Beg. gardener with 2 rose bushes over 7 ft tall with long, dangly branches. Where and how should I cut it?
i usually cut mine in February. to a height of 8 inches. i feed them with Bayer total rose food, i think is the name of it. it has fertilizer, fungicide, and insecticide. i also replace the mulch.
Reply:Pruning depends on the type of rose bushes that you have. With all of them, always remove any dead branches and old flower seed heads etc.
Typical rose bushes are pruned 'harshly' each year, in order to get them to grow vigorously and produce tons of flowers. Around 12'' in height is good for them. I do this in February, but there is still time for this.
Climbing and shrub roses grow a little differently, and respond to a lighter pruning. With climbers just take off any over-crowded or very weak growth, and train them laterally, as this helps to get more flowers forming. Shrub roses are also better with a higher pruning, taking out overcrowding, or where branches are rubbing against each other. Take off a third off any older branches, and a maximum of a third of younger vigorous stems. Take the older ones down to 12'' or so, and the weaker younger ones to 12-18''.
Prune all roses so that you cut almost immediately above where the leaves were, and you'll probably see some sprouting buds in these points. To help manage your plants, aim to select your cuts so that the buds will shoot outwards from your plant. Cut diagonally with a slope away from the shoot - this prevents water build up and decay etc. The reason you don't leave much shoot above your cut, is that this part of the stem will dieback to your buds, and too much dead stem is not a good thing.
I'd add a mulch of some horse manure if you can, as this helps to retain water in the soil below - roses are surface rooting, and love plenty of water during a hot summer. It also releases a steady stream of fertilizer for you plant. Otherwise, a slow release fertilzer for flowering plants, or specifically tailored to roses.
I realize the diffulty here is trying to establish what sort of rose plants that you have - shrub or the normal lower height bush roses - and then the right sort of pruning. I'd probably go with what desired shape you'd like, and take the risk of some harsher pruning than some of them would like - the first year may mean less flowers, but they will grow to the form that you'd like and will flower more profusely in future. Maybe see if any friends or neighbours can help you work out what they are.
Hope this helps. Good luck! Rob
Reply:Sounds like they are climbing roses, you might want to check here for pruning them
White spots on my rose bush leaves, what are they?
It looks like drops of white liquid was splashed on and dried. Not on all the leaves and not on any other of my plants. My rose bush is in a pot on my patio with a southeastern exposure. I live in Colorado. Wow, that was a lot of info, I hope it helps with answers!
White spots on my rose bush leaves, what are they?
I would mix a mild solution of dish detergent and water and spray it on your Rose Bush leaves.
I've also learned that dried banana peels are one of Roses best friends. I dry them in my microwave and put it around the Roses base on the soil. I have been doing that since last Fall (1x a month) and I have Beautiful Roses this year.
Good Luck !!
Reply:I've had that before. It's probably mildew.
You can buy a spray to get rid of that.
Be careful of spraying too much, then the leaves might develop a yellow-stain.
Reply:To keep bugs and things off of rose bushes take you dish pan water when you are done with dishes and dump it over your roses. My Mother did this for years and her roses were the pride of the neighborhood. Something in the dish liquid deters bugs and different fungus etc which roses can get.
Give this a try, I think you'll be plesently suprised.
I don't know if it will heal already dammaged leaves, but will stop any further exposure.
Reply:white flys i bet
roots rain
White spots on my rose bush leaves, what are they?
I would mix a mild solution of dish detergent and water and spray it on your Rose Bush leaves.
I've also learned that dried banana peels are one of Roses best friends. I dry them in my microwave and put it around the Roses base on the soil. I have been doing that since last Fall (1x a month) and I have Beautiful Roses this year.
Good Luck !!
Reply:I've had that before. It's probably mildew.
You can buy a spray to get rid of that.
Be careful of spraying too much, then the leaves might develop a yellow-stain.
Reply:To keep bugs and things off of rose bushes take you dish pan water when you are done with dishes and dump it over your roses. My Mother did this for years and her roses were the pride of the neighborhood. Something in the dish liquid deters bugs and different fungus etc which roses can get.
Give this a try, I think you'll be plesently suprised.
I don't know if it will heal already dammaged leaves, but will stop any further exposure.
Reply:white flys i bet
roots rain
If your floyd rose tremolo system is not adjusted right will it cause your string or fret to buzz?
if your floyd rose is not adjusted right can you get a buzzing or ringing sound on the fretboard!
If your floyd rose tremolo system is not adjusted right will it cause your string or fret to buzz?
yes, you may want to try adjusting the how high the strings ride in the saddles, I have also seen in severe cases the whole tremlo unit had to be shimmed to fit the particular application.
If your floyd rose tremolo system is not adjusted right will it cause your string or fret to buzz?
yes, you may want to try adjusting the how high the strings ride in the saddles, I have also seen in severe cases the whole tremlo unit had to be shimmed to fit the particular application.
Has anyont ever heard of a rose bush named Prncess Diane Rose, and where can I find it?
Is there such a name of this rose, I would like to find one for a good friend that is retiring soon.
Has anyont ever heard of a rose bush named Prncess Diane Rose, and where can I find it?
Jackson %26amp; Perkins is the best catalog for roses. I'm sure they have a web site.
Reply:Yes, it has a small white beautiful bloom. If you can't find it at a local gardening center, you might just go online and see how might be selling them.
Reply:yeah....................................... up your butt!
Reply:How about the Princess Diana rose from Jackson Perkins:
Reply:I have heard of it but unsure of where to find one. You may be able to buy the bushes through Burpee catalog.
Reply:Try the Huntington Libary and Botanical Gradens in Pasadena, California. They have a very extensive rose bush collection.
ink refills
Has anyont ever heard of a rose bush named Prncess Diane Rose, and where can I find it?
Jackson %26amp; Perkins is the best catalog for roses. I'm sure they have a web site.
Reply:Yes, it has a small white beautiful bloom. If you can't find it at a local gardening center, you might just go online and see how might be selling them.
Reply:yeah....................................... up your butt!
Reply:How about the Princess Diana rose from Jackson Perkins:
Reply:I have heard of it but unsure of where to find one. You may be able to buy the bushes through Burpee catalog.
Reply:Try the Huntington Libary and Botanical Gradens in Pasadena, California. They have a very extensive rose bush collection.
I have 2 rose bushes, How do I know if they are healthy?
I have 2 pristine rose bushes and it seems like a trunk or 2 is dead, how do If i know if it is?How often should I water them? (Florida)
I have 2 rose bushes, How do I know if they are healthy?
This site gives detailed information on rose diseases and pests; you might check that out.
I liked this pdf document especially because at the bottom of the page it goes into great detail of when to do what to your roses. Month by month it has suggestions on what your roses will need. Also, it lists the Pristine Rose as an 8.9 rating (excellent)! Yay for you!
Happy Gardening!
Reply:if they are brown or if you start seeing holes than that means there are bugs on it or if they are sticky then spiders laid eggs on them
I have 2 rose bushes, How do I know if they are healthy?
This site gives detailed information on rose diseases and pests; you might check that out.
I liked this pdf document especially because at the bottom of the page it goes into great detail of when to do what to your roses. Month by month it has suggestions on what your roses will need. Also, it lists the Pristine Rose as an 8.9 rating (excellent)! Yay for you!
Happy Gardening!
Reply:if they are brown or if you start seeing holes than that means there are bugs on it or if they are sticky then spiders laid eggs on them
How can I tell if my Rose is took a crap?
I have a mister lincoln rose that I brought up in the fall. I left it out in a pot for the winter. The lowest it got was about 7 degrees f. I only have the crown remaining because the other canes were black and some were twisted. I am waiting but I see no new growth. Should I wait longer? I pulled out the rose and trimmed the roots a little and they looked ok, but no new white growth on them. The scratch test reveals no green. So I am wondering if the roots are alive, any way to tell? I dont like being quick to throw out plants. Thanks
How can I tell if my Rose is took a crap?
Many roses are grafted, and even if the base lived, if the top did not, it would not be the same rose variety. Roses need protection, and if a rose is in the pot, it is more exposed to the elements than if it is in the ground. Cover the top with loose mulch like shredded leaves or bark for winter. If you could, move the pot to a more protected area like an unheated garage.
Hope this helps for when you replace your dead rose. :)
Reply:It does sound dead to me. Dispose of it carefully as it may have had a disease which could be passed onto other plants. The best way is to burn it or put it out in the rubbish.
Reply:If the scratch test failed at the base then its a pretty good bet its not alive, however if you really want to be sure wait about another month, since its warmer now if any of the rose is still alive you will know within a few weeks if its alive or time for the compost heap.
massage shoes
How can I tell if my Rose is took a crap?
Many roses are grafted, and even if the base lived, if the top did not, it would not be the same rose variety. Roses need protection, and if a rose is in the pot, it is more exposed to the elements than if it is in the ground. Cover the top with loose mulch like shredded leaves or bark for winter. If you could, move the pot to a more protected area like an unheated garage.
Hope this helps for when you replace your dead rose. :)
Reply:It does sound dead to me. Dispose of it carefully as it may have had a disease which could be passed onto other plants. The best way is to burn it or put it out in the rubbish.
Reply:If the scratch test failed at the base then its a pretty good bet its not alive, however if you really want to be sure wait about another month, since its warmer now if any of the rose is still alive you will know within a few weeks if its alive or time for the compost heap.
massage shoes
What is the difference between the rose bowl and the national championship?
i know the national championship is between the #1 and #2 teams, but what is the rose bowl.. because last year the rose bowl and the national championship were played as 1 game with USC and Texas
What is the difference between the rose bowl and the national championship?
Actually there are four BCS games (Rose Bowl Pac 10 champ against Big Ten champ, Fed Ex Orange ACC champ against an invited team, Allstate Sugar Bowl SEC champ against an invited team, and the Tostito's Fiesta Bowl Big 12 champ against invited) and one national championship game. Before this year they would rotate and make one of the BCS games the national championship. But in order to give more teams a chance to play in the BCS, they made the championship a stand alone game. They still use the rotating system to decide where they are playing.
Reply:There are 5 Bowl Championship Series bowl games. The national championship rotates between those 5. Traditionally the Rose Bowl is between the Pac-10 and Big Ten champions.
Reply:There are 4 major bowl games or maybe 5, I'm not sure. I believe they rotate each bowl game with the championship. IE: Rose bowl last year was championship, this year maybe sugar bowl is the championship. I could be wrong. Sometimes my memory fails me.
Reply:the national championship rotates between the Rose bowl, orange bowl, sugar bowl, and fiesta bowl last year was the rose bowl and this year its the fiesta bowl the rose bowl is usually the top PAC-10 vs top Big Ten as long as neither is in the national championship since Ohio State accepted bid to the National Championship game Michigan which is #2 in Big Ten gets the bid
What is the difference between the rose bowl and the national championship?
Actually there are four BCS games (Rose Bowl Pac 10 champ against Big Ten champ, Fed Ex Orange ACC champ against an invited team, Allstate Sugar Bowl SEC champ against an invited team, and the Tostito's Fiesta Bowl Big 12 champ against invited) and one national championship game. Before this year they would rotate and make one of the BCS games the national championship. But in order to give more teams a chance to play in the BCS, they made the championship a stand alone game. They still use the rotating system to decide where they are playing.
Reply:There are 5 Bowl Championship Series bowl games. The national championship rotates between those 5. Traditionally the Rose Bowl is between the Pac-10 and Big Ten champions.
Reply:There are 4 major bowl games or maybe 5, I'm not sure. I believe they rotate each bowl game with the championship. IE: Rose bowl last year was championship, this year maybe sugar bowl is the championship. I could be wrong. Sometimes my memory fails me.
Reply:the national championship rotates between the Rose bowl, orange bowl, sugar bowl, and fiesta bowl last year was the rose bowl and this year its the fiesta bowl the rose bowl is usually the top PAC-10 vs top Big Ten as long as neither is in the national championship since Ohio State accepted bid to the National Championship game Michigan which is #2 in Big Ten gets the bid
Why are my rose bushes losing their leaves?
My rose bushes are still producing flowers, but something is causing them to lose their leaves. What is this caused from, and how can I stop it?
Why are my rose bushes losing their leaves?
i use this stuff! it's great on roses. i haven't had any problems from mine every since i've used it! u can find it at walmart or lowes! follow the link below and check it out for urself!
Reply:Try this site:http://www.a-garden-diary.com/roses.htm
Reply:now i need more information: are the leaves changing colour before they fall off.....look from what you say something is wrong and just by what you say tell me is the rose in full sun they like allday sun if possible ....if the sun position is fine i think your watering to much.......thats what i think on the information you have given depending on how hot it gets look once every 3 days a good water hold the hose down low and make sure there is good drainage and they love chicken manure but well watered in of course....shouldnt wet the foilage this just causes disease and pests anyway hope i have helped.......
Why are my rose bushes losing their leaves?
i use this stuff! it's great on roses. i haven't had any problems from mine every since i've used it! u can find it at walmart or lowes! follow the link below and check it out for urself!
Reply:Try this site:http://www.a-garden-diary.com/roses.htm
Reply:now i need more information: are the leaves changing colour before they fall off.....look from what you say something is wrong and just by what you say tell me is the rose in full sun they like allday sun if possible ....if the sun position is fine i think your watering to much.......thats what i think on the information you have given depending on how hot it gets look once every 3 days a good water hold the hose down low and make sure there is good drainage and they love chicken manure but well watered in of course....shouldnt wet the foilage this just causes disease and pests anyway hope i have helped.......
How long for rose bush to start budding/growing?
I bought a rose bush in Christmas Tree shop and planted it as instructed over two weeks ago but it looks just as dead as when I planted it. How long should it take until it starts growing?
How long for rose bush to start budding/growing?
It can take a while if it was not leafed out when you got it. Look to see if the canes are green at all. The leaves start out as teeny tiny little reddish buds, does it have any of these? Do you know the variety of the rose? It shouldn't matter, but some are slower than others. My Queen Elizabeth is always one of the first to show signs of life, while some of the others like Moon Shadow and Crystalline always take a little longer to get going.
Make sure it gets an inch of water per week.
If/when it does start to grow, after there is an inch of growth on it you can use miracle grow rose food (powder that you mix with water) to help boost the blooms.
Good luck
Reply:It ought not to look "dead",there should be some signs of life,such as some of the leaf buds starting into growth.
Carefully scratch away a small piece of bark,check if the exposed wood is bright green,maybe oozing sap.
Confirm also the bush has been planted correctly,i.e.
Having the union of the graft and roots just below soil level.
Firmly,in fertile soil.
In a hole large enough to allow the roots to spread out.
That the soil has been kept moist.
That the bush is not competing with existing plants.
Reply:If it was a bare root plant, it may take several weeks to start sprouting, but it should not be dead. Do as Woody suggests and look for green wood. If you have nothing but brown under the bark, the plant is dead -- and probably was when you bought it.
psoriasis treatment
How long for rose bush to start budding/growing?
It can take a while if it was not leafed out when you got it. Look to see if the canes are green at all. The leaves start out as teeny tiny little reddish buds, does it have any of these? Do you know the variety of the rose? It shouldn't matter, but some are slower than others. My Queen Elizabeth is always one of the first to show signs of life, while some of the others like Moon Shadow and Crystalline always take a little longer to get going.
Make sure it gets an inch of water per week.
If/when it does start to grow, after there is an inch of growth on it you can use miracle grow rose food (powder that you mix with water) to help boost the blooms.
Good luck
Reply:It ought not to look "dead",there should be some signs of life,such as some of the leaf buds starting into growth.
Carefully scratch away a small piece of bark,check if the exposed wood is bright green,maybe oozing sap.
Confirm also the bush has been planted correctly,i.e.
Having the union of the graft and roots just below soil level.
Firmly,in fertile soil.
In a hole large enough to allow the roots to spread out.
That the soil has been kept moist.
That the bush is not competing with existing plants.
Reply:If it was a bare root plant, it may take several weeks to start sprouting, but it should not be dead. Do as Woody suggests and look for green wood. If you have nothing but brown under the bark, the plant is dead -- and probably was when you bought it.
How offen am i ment to water a indoor rose plant?
how offen am i ment to water a indoor rose plant thats in a pot,it has roots and soil.
How offen am i ment to water a indoor rose plant?
poke your finger in to the soil if it feels damp u dont need to water it
Reply:get some wattering indcator strips lol cheap as chips at all good garden centres and at most crap ones come to that
Reply:Rose plants only need to be watered about 1 to 2 times a week. Depending on the temp. If it's hotter like in the 80's to 100 range 3 to 4 times will work.
Reply:once a day
try not to drown it now
Reply:wonce a dae
Reply:every day i think.. i learned that after my floweres died ..coz i left the two weeks with out watering them..yeah i know am a huribule person ..totally forgot about them... :)
Reply:Depends on time of year and if you have central heating.
A good guide is if the soil feels dry it needs water, if it has roots coming out of the bottom of the pot it has searched for water, it will drink what it needs if you stand it in saucer of water. If you do this when soil starts to dry out (unless instructions say keep moist) it should be ok. I would say once a week in cooler conditions, more often if in home with central heating.
height increasing shoes
How offen am i ment to water a indoor rose plant?
poke your finger in to the soil if it feels damp u dont need to water it
Reply:get some wattering indcator strips lol cheap as chips at all good garden centres and at most crap ones come to that
Reply:Rose plants only need to be watered about 1 to 2 times a week. Depending on the temp. If it's hotter like in the 80's to 100 range 3 to 4 times will work.
Reply:once a day
try not to drown it now
Reply:wonce a dae
Reply:every day i think.. i learned that after my floweres died ..coz i left the two weeks with out watering them..yeah i know am a huribule person ..totally forgot about them... :)
Reply:Depends on time of year and if you have central heating.
A good guide is if the soil feels dry it needs water, if it has roots coming out of the bottom of the pot it has searched for water, it will drink what it needs if you stand it in saucer of water. If you do this when soil starts to dry out (unless instructions say keep moist) it should be ok. I would say once a week in cooler conditions, more often if in home with central heating.
height increasing shoes
How do I preserve a rose that is very special to me?
I was given this yellow rose from my husbands' grandmas' funeral this afternoon (actually 2 long stemmed roses) and I would really like to know how to preserve it and keep it ....hopefully forever but...the key is...in the same shape that it is now???!!!!!! Can anyone help me keep this rose for years and years to come any suggestions???
How do I preserve a rose that is very special to me?
It will be a nice way to celebrate Grandma's life and memories. Please accept my condolences to you and your family for your loss.
Since the rose is already cut, you probably only have one choice to preserve the rose.
You will need to dry the rose by hanging it upside down in a dry, cool place until it is dry. By hanging the rose upside down, the stem will dry straight and the flower will stay in an open position.
It is easy to do. The trick is the flower should be as fresh as possible so the petals don't fall off.
Here is a website with some directions for drying the rose upside down. http://www.rosesbydesign.co.uk/preservin...
Reply:Sorry for your loss. You can hand it upside down which will preserve them in their natural form, or you can dry them flat so they can be used in a portrait. May I suggest something for you?
Take a piece of kitchen paper and place. Place both roses on the paper. Cover them with another piece of kitchen paper. Now you want to place this "sandwich somewhere so you can apply steady pressure on it so it will flatten while drying into their original shape.
To do this, you can either place the sandwiched roses in between a big heavy book, then pile a couple of heavy books or anything else heavy and leave it. It will take a week or so to dry out.
In stead of a book, you could do it between two slabs of heavy wood. You get the idea.
Once the flowers are dried, choose a nice photo, preferably a black and white of Grandma and arrange the flowers on as you like, then have it framed.
It's nice to center the photograh leaving a white perimeter around it, preferably more on the bottom. You can arrange the roses there and perhaps write her name in silver lettering.
You can also dry a couple nice leaves in the same way. Instead of using a photo, just make a nice arrangement and have it framed.
Reply:Ages ago it was normal for the girls to take their prom flowers and keep them.
One way was to hung them upside down and placed in the basement where it was dry. Once dryed placed in a showdow frame with the prom picture [my sister still has hers and that was over 40 years ago]
Another way was to place the flower between wax paper and put in a book till it completely dryed out. Once it was dryed out you could seal it in the wax paper with an iron, 38 years later mine is still in my scrap book.
You could place it in a pop jar where it will keep as long as you want to ..
I have a long stem red rose just laying on a shelve in my kitchen from my babies wedding. That was over 4 years ago. I use can air to dust it and know if I would handle it, it would fall apart.
There is a liquid you can buy and mix to put in a bud vase, this hardens up. We did baby roses for table sittings for one of my daughters, The marrage didn't last, but 10 years later she still has one of the vases with the flowers in it, once again using can air to dust.
Hope you can use one of these.
Reply:My mom preserved her wedding bouquet in a nice glass container and sealed it so that it was air-tight. I think she had it professionally done but I'm not sure. Sadly, the seal broke accidentally one day and they dried up awfully quick. I'll update my answer if I find out anything else. Good luck.
Reply:the only way i know to reserve a flower is to freeze it i don't know if u have to put it in a bag or anything but that should definitely let it keep its shape
How do I preserve a rose that is very special to me?
It will be a nice way to celebrate Grandma's life and memories. Please accept my condolences to you and your family for your loss.
Since the rose is already cut, you probably only have one choice to preserve the rose.
You will need to dry the rose by hanging it upside down in a dry, cool place until it is dry. By hanging the rose upside down, the stem will dry straight and the flower will stay in an open position.
It is easy to do. The trick is the flower should be as fresh as possible so the petals don't fall off.
Here is a website with some directions for drying the rose upside down. http://www.rosesbydesign.co.uk/preservin...
Reply:Sorry for your loss. You can hand it upside down which will preserve them in their natural form, or you can dry them flat so they can be used in a portrait. May I suggest something for you?
Take a piece of kitchen paper and place. Place both roses on the paper. Cover them with another piece of kitchen paper. Now you want to place this "sandwich somewhere so you can apply steady pressure on it so it will flatten while drying into their original shape.
To do this, you can either place the sandwiched roses in between a big heavy book, then pile a couple of heavy books or anything else heavy and leave it. It will take a week or so to dry out.
In stead of a book, you could do it between two slabs of heavy wood. You get the idea.
Once the flowers are dried, choose a nice photo, preferably a black and white of Grandma and arrange the flowers on as you like, then have it framed.
It's nice to center the photograh leaving a white perimeter around it, preferably more on the bottom. You can arrange the roses there and perhaps write her name in silver lettering.
You can also dry a couple nice leaves in the same way. Instead of using a photo, just make a nice arrangement and have it framed.
Reply:Ages ago it was normal for the girls to take their prom flowers and keep them.
One way was to hung them upside down and placed in the basement where it was dry. Once dryed placed in a showdow frame with the prom picture [my sister still has hers and that was over 40 years ago]
Another way was to place the flower between wax paper and put in a book till it completely dryed out. Once it was dryed out you could seal it in the wax paper with an iron, 38 years later mine is still in my scrap book.
You could place it in a pop jar where it will keep as long as you want to ..
I have a long stem red rose just laying on a shelve in my kitchen from my babies wedding. That was over 4 years ago. I use can air to dust it and know if I would handle it, it would fall apart.
There is a liquid you can buy and mix to put in a bud vase, this hardens up. We did baby roses for table sittings for one of my daughters, The marrage didn't last, but 10 years later she still has one of the vases with the flowers in it, once again using can air to dust.
Hope you can use one of these.
Reply:My mom preserved her wedding bouquet in a nice glass container and sealed it so that it was air-tight. I think she had it professionally done but I'm not sure. Sadly, the seal broke accidentally one day and they dried up awfully quick. I'll update my answer if I find out anything else. Good luck.
Reply:the only way i know to reserve a flower is to freeze it i don't know if u have to put it in a bag or anything but that should definitely let it keep its shape
I have a few garden fans that traditionally have climbing plants growing up them. Can an ordinary rose bush..
Can an ordinary rose bush (shrub) be tied loosely to the fan and have it grow upwards? Or does it have to be climbing roses only? I'm not looking for anything hugely tall; just a little growth upwards would be nice.
I have a few garden fans that traditionally have climbing plants growing up them. Can an ordinary rose bush..
Yes, actually you can, but you have to be aware that some roses only grow to about 4ft so you will have to find a rose that grows to 8 to 10ft. If you go to http://www.davidaustinroses.com/ you will be able to get an idea of what you are looking for. They have a detailed description of each rose they sell including shrub roses that can be trained as climber.
Reply:Not too many regular hybrid tea roses get tall enough to climb or train on a fan. Try a climbing rose like Climbing Fairy (pink) or Red Cascade. Both are smaller climbing roses. The best everblooming climbing rose is New Dawn.
Reply:You need to buy a climbing rose. Joseph's Coat is a very beautiful one. One plant produces yellow and red roses.
I have a few garden fans that traditionally have climbing plants growing up them. Can an ordinary rose bush..
Yes, actually you can, but you have to be aware that some roses only grow to about 4ft so you will have to find a rose that grows to 8 to 10ft. If you go to http://www.davidaustinroses.com/ you will be able to get an idea of what you are looking for. They have a detailed description of each rose they sell including shrub roses that can be trained as climber.
Reply:Not too many regular hybrid tea roses get tall enough to climb or train on a fan. Try a climbing rose like Climbing Fairy (pink) or Red Cascade. Both are smaller climbing roses. The best everblooming climbing rose is New Dawn.
Reply:You need to buy a climbing rose. Joseph's Coat is a very beautiful one. One plant produces yellow and red roses.
What is the nail polish called that has a rose on the top of it?
I was getting my nails done and they had a brand i really liked. The top of it had a rose carved into it... any help? brands?
What is the nail polish called that has a rose on the top of it?
Is it lancome.
Reply:both lancome and anna sui has the rose motif on their packaging.
What is the nail polish called that has a rose on the top of it?
Is it lancome.
Reply:both lancome and anna sui has the rose motif on their packaging.
This is going to sound weird but are there any african americans that dine at the stinking rose?
My fiance and I would like to go to the stinking rose in beverly hills and since we are african american and since it is in beveryly hills we want to be sure that we get good service at the restaurant. We are not saying that there are no blacks in beverly hills we are just saying at some places we have been too, we get looks and we don't want that. We've always wanted to go there but we also want to enjoy it without the looks.
This is going to sound weird but are there any african americans that dine at the stinking rose?
My sista , when Is the last time you have been in Beverly Hills , I see other African Americans and many other Cultures their all the time , I have never got those looks you refer to , and yes I have eaten at the Stinking Rose , you should try the 40 Clove Chicken its Great I highly Recommend it , and about the Service I received Great Service , trust me I have had bad service in regular old neighborhoods so don't worry about it and have fun , let me know how you liked the food!!!
Reply:It's fine. People in Beverly Hills are so nice. Service in the restaurants is stellar.
Reply:"visit" them in person. Tell them it's a special occassion. Then get their reaction/response. You can judge right away. and if you feel uncomfortable, say thanks but no thanks!
bucked teetheveryday eyeshadow
This is going to sound weird but are there any african americans that dine at the stinking rose?
My sista , when Is the last time you have been in Beverly Hills , I see other African Americans and many other Cultures their all the time , I have never got those looks you refer to , and yes I have eaten at the Stinking Rose , you should try the 40 Clove Chicken its Great I highly Recommend it , and about the Service I received Great Service , trust me I have had bad service in regular old neighborhoods so don't worry about it and have fun , let me know how you liked the food!!!
Reply:It's fine. People in Beverly Hills are so nice. Service in the restaurants is stellar.
Reply:"visit" them in person. Tell them it's a special occassion. Then get their reaction/response. You can judge right away. and if you feel uncomfortable, say thanks but no thanks!
bucked teeth
How do I start rose cuttings?
Got a rose as a gift, , the 1st rose is done but I see where there is a new bud, showing, How do I go about getting to be able to get it so I may plant it, later ????? Do they root, or how or what???
How do I start rose cuttings?
Your best bet is to get a cutting of the bush itself, where the bush is green and about a big around as a round pencil. You usually want to get these about the time you prune the roses in the early spring. Cut the piece of the rose bush to a length of about 6 inches. Put half of it in some fertile preferably loamy soil and leave the other half sticking up above ground. Cover the part sticking up with a mason or canning jar pushed into the ground about 3/4 inch. Water fairly regularly but don't keep it so wet there is standing water. The leaves will start to sprout on the portion above ground and the portion below ground will be developing roots. As the leaves develop in the jar leave the jar on if they start to turn brown, shade the jar from the sun where is only getting about half the amount of sun that it was. Wait a week or two and then take the jar off. With any luck at all you will have a new rose bush.
Reply:I fully agree with the first post except when and were to cut.
when you see buds coming on wait for the bud to almost open, then take a cutting from 3 to 6 inches, make sure its the soft green stem as old stems do not root as easily. also, a rooting hermone may help assist the cutting to root.
How do I start rose cuttings?
Your best bet is to get a cutting of the bush itself, where the bush is green and about a big around as a round pencil. You usually want to get these about the time you prune the roses in the early spring. Cut the piece of the rose bush to a length of about 6 inches. Put half of it in some fertile preferably loamy soil and leave the other half sticking up above ground. Cover the part sticking up with a mason or canning jar pushed into the ground about 3/4 inch. Water fairly regularly but don't keep it so wet there is standing water. The leaves will start to sprout on the portion above ground and the portion below ground will be developing roots. As the leaves develop in the jar leave the jar on if they start to turn brown, shade the jar from the sun where is only getting about half the amount of sun that it was. Wait a week or two and then take the jar off. With any luck at all you will have a new rose bush.
Reply:I fully agree with the first post except when and were to cut.
when you see buds coming on wait for the bud to almost open, then take a cutting from 3 to 6 inches, make sure its the soft green stem as old stems do not root as easily. also, a rooting hermone may help assist the cutting to root.
Why do rose bushes grow like crazy but do not bloom?
I have 2 rose bushes that grow up trwllis"s and seem very healthy but they are not blooming.
Why do rose bushes grow like crazy but do not bloom?
You need to prune them severely in the fall and fertilize them with Cow manure..then in the spring when they start to grow prune them some more to keep of the unwanted growth.
When the roses die, cut them off you don't need all the energy going into the rose hips.
Use a good fertilizer in the spring for roses...
you will have good big roses. and lots of them.
Reply:Here is something else to consider. Most roses are hybrids. Some horticultirsts spend lots of time coming up with great smelling or looking roses but then they find that they aren't hearty enough to sell and give promising results to the public.
So, they came up with a solution. They took the part of roses that grow very well anywhere and then grafted the fancy roses onto them. So, they are really two roses in one, hence the name hybrid.
But, when a hybrid rose is planted, it's the fancy part that you want to grow, not the strong part that makes the plant hearty. I don't know how to tell you the difference but if you have never seen a bloom on the rose, it may be that the stalks are growing are the ones from the "strong" contributor, not the rose that you wanted.
Hope this makes sense.
Other than that, simple things like watering and giving it food should work.
Reply:they arent like yoiiu ok? they only bloom sometimes.
Reply:they need some miracle grow plant food
Reply:You may have to prune them to get them to flower.
Why do rose bushes grow like crazy but do not bloom?
You need to prune them severely in the fall and fertilize them with Cow manure..then in the spring when they start to grow prune them some more to keep of the unwanted growth.
When the roses die, cut them off you don't need all the energy going into the rose hips.
Use a good fertilizer in the spring for roses...
you will have good big roses. and lots of them.
Reply:Here is something else to consider. Most roses are hybrids. Some horticultirsts spend lots of time coming up with great smelling or looking roses but then they find that they aren't hearty enough to sell and give promising results to the public.
So, they came up with a solution. They took the part of roses that grow very well anywhere and then grafted the fancy roses onto them. So, they are really two roses in one, hence the name hybrid.
But, when a hybrid rose is planted, it's the fancy part that you want to grow, not the strong part that makes the plant hearty. I don't know how to tell you the difference but if you have never seen a bloom on the rose, it may be that the stalks are growing are the ones from the "strong" contributor, not the rose that you wanted.
Hope this makes sense.
Other than that, simple things like watering and giving it food should work.
Reply:they arent like yoiiu ok? they only bloom sometimes.
Reply:they need some miracle grow plant food
Reply:You may have to prune them to get them to flower.
How can you easily make a lotion with rose petals?
how do you make a lotion with rose petals and a few ingredients?
How can you easily make a lotion with rose petals?
i have never even heard of it.
How can you easily make a lotion with rose petals?
i have never even heard of it.
Does Salisbury Cathedral have rose windows? Can you tell me the website where I can find it?
I have an assignment about architecture in Britain and I choose Salisbury Cathedral for my topic discussion and now I am confused whether there is a rose windows or not.
So, can you help me? Where i can find the picture of Salisbury with rose windows?
Does Salisbury Cathedral have rose windows? Can you tell me the website where I can find it?
Reply:Why don't you ask them? Email them.
Reply:There are many ways of finding the infomation you want, and I have included the links you will need to help you. Of course, in addition to this, you can also use the resources at your local library, they are only too happy to help you with your searches and queries.
Reply:My son's best mates dad is the dean of Salisbury cathedral! -I can ask him if you want??
Kung Fu school
So, can you help me? Where i can find the picture of Salisbury with rose windows?
Does Salisbury Cathedral have rose windows? Can you tell me the website where I can find it?
Reply:Why don't you ask them? Email them.
Reply:There are many ways of finding the infomation you want, and I have included the links you will need to help you. Of course, in addition to this, you can also use the resources at your local library, they are only too happy to help you with your searches and queries.
Reply:My son's best mates dad is the dean of Salisbury cathedral! -I can ask him if you want??
Kung Fu school
I have a simple rose tattoo on my wrist that I would like to add on to, any ideas?
I haven't been able to come up with a design or idea to add to my rose. It is a simple rose with a small stem and 3 leaves. I want to add something behind it. Any ideas? Looking for thoughts.
I have a simple rose tattoo on my wrist that I would like to add on to, any ideas?
Vines that wrap around your wrist like it's a bracelet?
Reply:how about adding a word or a phrase just above/along the stem. do it in white ink, thats really in at the moment. the white won't really show up (unless you have a darker skin tone). and haveing a little message on there is kinda nice.
Reply:More flowers...different kinds maybe.
maybe barbwires
Reply:You can add a gun, for gun and roses.
Reply:maybe a couple hearts
Butterfly or dragonfly?
Reply:maybe ur name in vines behind it?
Reply:how about a Retha with a name in it
Reply:the sun would be great background
I have a simple rose tattoo on my wrist that I would like to add on to, any ideas?
Vines that wrap around your wrist like it's a bracelet?
Reply:how about adding a word or a phrase just above/along the stem. do it in white ink, thats really in at the moment. the white won't really show up (unless you have a darker skin tone). and haveing a little message on there is kinda nice.
Reply:More flowers...different kinds maybe.
maybe barbwires
Reply:You can add a gun, for gun and roses.
Reply:maybe a couple hearts
Butterfly or dragonfly?
Reply:maybe ur name in vines behind it?
Reply:how about a Retha with a name in it
Reply:the sun would be great background
Does anyone know how to make or where to find a true black rose?
I know black roses dont exist naturally, so I was wondering if anyone knows how to, and with what to, color a rose black.
Does anyone know how to make or where to find a true black rose?
I can only hope this is not a cruel joke but black die in a glass of water for a couple days.
Reply:"black magic", "black beauty", and "black baccara" are three different types of commercially grown "black" roses. They are as close to black as roses come. Black Magic is more of a very, very, very deep dark blood red. Beauty and Baccara are closer to black. You can find each of these at your local florist.
Best Wishes!
Ms. Orchid
Does anyone know how to make or where to find a true black rose?
I can only hope this is not a cruel joke but black die in a glass of water for a couple days.
Reply:"black magic", "black beauty", and "black baccara" are three different types of commercially grown "black" roses. They are as close to black as roses come. Black Magic is more of a very, very, very deep dark blood red. Beauty and Baccara are closer to black. You can find each of these at your local florist.
Best Wishes!
Ms. Orchid
What are the exact rules for determination of the Pac-10 representative to the Rose Bowl game?
Assuming a year when neither Pac-10 nor Big-10 are ranked #1 or #2 and the Rose Bowl is not hosting the national championship game, etc.
I know conference record is the first criteria but what are the tie-breakers that follow? An authoritative source link would be ideal.
What are the exact rules for determination of the Pac-10 representative to the Rose Bowl game?
Starting this season, all Pac 10 teams played all 9 other conference teams. So the first tiebreaker is head to head results.
usc and Cal both finished 7-2 in conference, but USC beat Cal 23-9, so USC goes to the Rose Bowl.
Reply:Pac 10 Champ always meets Big 10 Champ, unless the Rose Bowl is selected as the sight for the BCS Championship. This year is an exception because OSU is playing for the BCS Championship in the Fiesta Bowl. Michigan gets the call as #2 in the Big 10.
Reply:if two teams tie for example UCLA and USC if USC was the last team to UCLA would go because they went the most recent
Reply:the pac 10 (and big 10) champion gets an automatic bid to the rose bowl, regardless of national ranking. in the event the pac 10 champ plays in the title game (and the the title game isnt the rose bowl) then the rose bowl has the option to take the PAC 10 runner up or invite any other school theyd like. tradition dictates theyd take the runner up to play the big 10 champ.
I know conference record is the first criteria but what are the tie-breakers that follow? An authoritative source link would be ideal.
What are the exact rules for determination of the Pac-10 representative to the Rose Bowl game?
Starting this season, all Pac 10 teams played all 9 other conference teams. So the first tiebreaker is head to head results.
usc and Cal both finished 7-2 in conference, but USC beat Cal 23-9, so USC goes to the Rose Bowl.
Reply:Pac 10 Champ always meets Big 10 Champ, unless the Rose Bowl is selected as the sight for the BCS Championship. This year is an exception because OSU is playing for the BCS Championship in the Fiesta Bowl. Michigan gets the call as #2 in the Big 10.
Reply:if two teams tie for example UCLA and USC if USC was the last team to UCLA would go because they went the most recent
Reply:the pac 10 (and big 10) champion gets an automatic bid to the rose bowl, regardless of national ranking. in the event the pac 10 champ plays in the title game (and the the title game isnt the rose bowl) then the rose bowl has the option to take the PAC 10 runner up or invite any other school theyd like. tradition dictates theyd take the runner up to play the big 10 champ.
Any one have a recipe for Mary Rose Sauce?
I was at an Irish pub in Kansas City last week, and had the fish and chips and it came with something called "Mary Rose sauce."
Does anyone have a good personal recipes? Thanks
Any one have a recipe for Mary Rose Sauce?
350ml mayonnaise
100ml tomato ketchup
50ml thickened cream
1-2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp brandy.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper
Reply:150 ml mayo
10ml lemon juice
15ml tomato puree
10 ml worcs sauce
S%26amp; p
cayenne pepper to sprinkle on top.
Reply:2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons ketchup
lemon juice, to taste
Worcestershire sauce, to taste
Not the one? See other Marie Rose Sauce Recipes
%26lt; 15 mins Savory Sauces
Irish Savory Sauces
Low Protein Savory Sauces
Mix Mayonnaise and Ketchup in bowl.
Add lemon juice and worcestershire sauce to taste.
Serve over Salad or as Shrimp Dip.
350ml mayonnaise
100ml tomato ketchup
50ml thickened cream
1-2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp brandy.
Reply:Ive never heard of it but I know of a Rosa Maria sauce. Its easy to make. Its just any marinara sauce and alfredo sauce mixed together. Or its called Parma Rose sauce
2 T. Mayo or Miracle Whip
2 T. catsup
2 T. heavy cream
1 Tsp. Worcestershire sauce
squeeze of lemon juice
dash of Tabasco
salt %26amp; pepper, as desired
This is a great recipe for dipping shrimp. Combine all ingredients in a bowl %26amp; mix well. Adjust seasoning with salt %26amp; pepper. Serve drizzled over prawns.
3 c. (400gr / 14oz.) prawns, cooked %26amp; peeled
1 iceberg lettuce, leaves shredded
1 1/2 c. mayonnaise
1/2 c. tomato catsup
1/4 c. heavy cream
1-2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
juice %26amp; zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp. brandy.
Shred lettuce, %26amp; divide between coup glasses. Top with 4-5 peeled prawns %26amp; drizzle with Mary Rose Sauce. Serve chilled.
Reply:One way to find good recipes is allrecipes.com. It is free recipes submitted by people, so you're bound to find something.
all I want is my two points
Reply:Are you sure it wasn't called Rose Mary? That's a type of herb.
350ml mayonnaise
100ml tomato ketchup
50ml thickened cream
1-2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp brandy.Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.
1/2 c. dark Karo syrup
1 (14 oz.) bottle ketchup
1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp. prepared mustard
1 (8 oz.) bottle Italian dressing
pulling teeth
Does anyone have a good personal recipes? Thanks
Any one have a recipe for Mary Rose Sauce?
350ml mayonnaise
100ml tomato ketchup
50ml thickened cream
1-2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp brandy.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper
Reply:150 ml mayo
10ml lemon juice
15ml tomato puree
10 ml worcs sauce
S%26amp; p
cayenne pepper to sprinkle on top.
Reply:2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 tablespoons ketchup
lemon juice, to taste
Worcestershire sauce, to taste
Not the one? See other Marie Rose Sauce Recipes
%26lt; 15 mins Savory Sauces
Irish Savory Sauces
Low Protein Savory Sauces
Mix Mayonnaise and Ketchup in bowl.
Add lemon juice and worcestershire sauce to taste.
Serve over Salad or as Shrimp Dip.
350ml mayonnaise
100ml tomato ketchup
50ml thickened cream
1-2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp brandy.
Reply:Ive never heard of it but I know of a Rosa Maria sauce. Its easy to make. Its just any marinara sauce and alfredo sauce mixed together. Or its called Parma Rose sauce
2 T. Mayo or Miracle Whip
2 T. catsup
2 T. heavy cream
1 Tsp. Worcestershire sauce
squeeze of lemon juice
dash of Tabasco
salt %26amp; pepper, as desired
This is a great recipe for dipping shrimp. Combine all ingredients in a bowl %26amp; mix well. Adjust seasoning with salt %26amp; pepper. Serve drizzled over prawns.
3 c. (400gr / 14oz.) prawns, cooked %26amp; peeled
1 iceberg lettuce, leaves shredded
1 1/2 c. mayonnaise
1/2 c. tomato catsup
1/4 c. heavy cream
1-2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
juice %26amp; zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp. brandy.
Shred lettuce, %26amp; divide between coup glasses. Top with 4-5 peeled prawns %26amp; drizzle with Mary Rose Sauce. Serve chilled.
Reply:One way to find good recipes is allrecipes.com. It is free recipes submitted by people, so you're bound to find something.
all I want is my two points
Reply:Are you sure it wasn't called Rose Mary? That's a type of herb.
350ml mayonnaise
100ml tomato ketchup
50ml thickened cream
1-2 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
Juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 tsp brandy.Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.
1/2 c. dark Karo syrup
1 (14 oz.) bottle ketchup
1/4 c. Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp. prepared mustard
1 (8 oz.) bottle Italian dressing
pulling teeth
What's the difference between Red Wine & Rose?
or are they the same thing?
%26amp; I've heard a couple of glasses of red is good for the blood flow... is this the same for Rose?
What's the difference between Red Wine %26amp; Rose?
The guys who are saying it's a mixture have no idea what they are talking about.
The difference is the amount of time the grapes are allowed to ferment in contact with the skins. You can get red and rose (and sometimes even white) wine from exactly the same grapes.
Example: http://www.stsupery.com/wines/stsupery/r... That is made from Merlot grapes. Merlot is nearly always a deep red but that is a rose. They just didn't let the skins ferment in contact with the must very long. This is a white Merlot: http://corkd.com/wine/view/3525-Fortant_...
The other real common one you see is red and white Zinfandel. Same grape...different color.
A lot of the anti-oxidants in grapes are in the skins, so you aren't going to get all the same good stuff.
Reply:Rose has more sugar.
Reply:Rose wine is a mixture of the dregs of white and red wne. End of...
Reply:rose is a mix of red and white, its more commonly called blush
Reply:A rose is a mixture of white and red. White wine needs to be chilled, red wine is served at room temp.
Medical researchers do believe that red wine is good for the heart. It contains phytochemicals (mainly resveratol) that promote heart health and prevent cancer. (Plain grape juice contains the same phytochemicals).
Women should limit their wine intake to one glass per day (4 oz). Men should limit their intake to two glasses per day (8 oz). This is because TOO much alcohol leads to heart disease.
Doctors recommend the darker, richer red wines. Cabernet Sauvignon contains the highest concentration of resveratol. Petit Syrah and Pinot Noir come in a close second place with resveratol concentrations.
Reply:ROSE is a light wine. In some countries it is often artifically coloured. It is pleasant to drink and a good accompaniment to fish and light coloured meats - veal, pork etc.
RED is full blooded and excellent to drink with red meat - venison, beef etc.
Of course the types of grapes used determine if the wine is to be ROSE or RED.
%26amp; I've heard a couple of glasses of red is good for the blood flow... is this the same for Rose?
What's the difference between Red Wine %26amp; Rose?
The guys who are saying it's a mixture have no idea what they are talking about.
The difference is the amount of time the grapes are allowed to ferment in contact with the skins. You can get red and rose (and sometimes even white) wine from exactly the same grapes.
Example: http://www.stsupery.com/wines/stsupery/r... That is made from Merlot grapes. Merlot is nearly always a deep red but that is a rose. They just didn't let the skins ferment in contact with the must very long. This is a white Merlot: http://corkd.com/wine/view/3525-Fortant_...
The other real common one you see is red and white Zinfandel. Same grape...different color.
A lot of the anti-oxidants in grapes are in the skins, so you aren't going to get all the same good stuff.
Reply:Rose has more sugar.
Reply:Rose wine is a mixture of the dregs of white and red wne. End of...
Reply:rose is a mix of red and white, its more commonly called blush
Reply:A rose is a mixture of white and red. White wine needs to be chilled, red wine is served at room temp.
Medical researchers do believe that red wine is good for the heart. It contains phytochemicals (mainly resveratol) that promote heart health and prevent cancer. (Plain grape juice contains the same phytochemicals).
Women should limit their wine intake to one glass per day (4 oz). Men should limit their intake to two glasses per day (8 oz). This is because TOO much alcohol leads to heart disease.
Doctors recommend the darker, richer red wines. Cabernet Sauvignon contains the highest concentration of resveratol. Petit Syrah and Pinot Noir come in a close second place with resveratol concentrations.
Reply:ROSE is a light wine. In some countries it is often artifically coloured. It is pleasant to drink and a good accompaniment to fish and light coloured meats - veal, pork etc.
RED is full blooded and excellent to drink with red meat - venison, beef etc.
Of course the types of grapes used determine if the wine is to be ROSE or RED.
How Do I Take Care of a Rose Bush? Do they need watered?
I know nothing about plants! When we moved into this house there is already a beautiful HUGE white rose bush. What do I need to do to take care of it? Do they need watered? Trimmed? The Roses are very large and actually lopping onto the ground... is this ok? or are they needing cut? THANKS!!
How Do I Take Care of a Rose Bush? Do they need watered?
Oh, I just love rose bushes! Yes, they need to be trimmed from time to time. In the spring before they start to green up is a great time to do it. Also, when the roses get into full bloom it's good to cut some of them for a vase inside. It makes the rose bush fuller later on. If you don't cut them and they naturally just wither away, then you are supposed to cut the head of the dead flower off. Another shoot will grow out if you trim it then. If you don't it will take the plant a long time to grow another shoot out by itself. Also, yes they need watering. I watered mine nearly every morning, but that was a very dry climate. If it's humid, not every day probably. Also, get some rose food at Home Depot or some place like that. You sprinkle it around the base of the bush every few months. Invest in some rose cutters...you know the scissor like clippers? They make the job much easier. Enjoy!
Reply:If it's an established plant, it most likely will need no water unless you have a drought.
You can cut roses and enjoy them in vases. You can prune off the spent flowers on the bush. If it's that big and old, it most likely is a survivor, and will not need much intervention from you. Congratulations. Enjoy!
eyebrows liner
How Do I Take Care of a Rose Bush? Do they need watered?
Oh, I just love rose bushes! Yes, they need to be trimmed from time to time. In the spring before they start to green up is a great time to do it. Also, when the roses get into full bloom it's good to cut some of them for a vase inside. It makes the rose bush fuller later on. If you don't cut them and they naturally just wither away, then you are supposed to cut the head of the dead flower off. Another shoot will grow out if you trim it then. If you don't it will take the plant a long time to grow another shoot out by itself. Also, yes they need watering. I watered mine nearly every morning, but that was a very dry climate. If it's humid, not every day probably. Also, get some rose food at Home Depot or some place like that. You sprinkle it around the base of the bush every few months. Invest in some rose cutters...you know the scissor like clippers? They make the job much easier. Enjoy!
Reply:If it's an established plant, it most likely will need no water unless you have a drought.
You can cut roses and enjoy them in vases. You can prune off the spent flowers on the bush. If it's that big and old, it most likely is a survivor, and will not need much intervention from you. Congratulations. Enjoy!
Looking for a heavily scented rambling rose preferablly dusty pink? I've lost my list of roses.?
can anyone suggest a suitable rose. UK based.
Looking for a heavily scented rambling rose preferablly dusty pink? I've lost my list of roses.?
Albertine is a gorgeous rose. The bud starts off a dark pink and lightens as it opens. The scent is delicious.
Reply:A David Austin rambling rose called 'Kew Rambler' is perfect for you , it is dusty pink and has a strong musky fragrance. Go to www.davidaustinroses.com to see this lovely rose, and many more. good luck.
Looking for a heavily scented rambling rose preferablly dusty pink? I've lost my list of roses.?
Albertine is a gorgeous rose. The bud starts off a dark pink and lightens as it opens. The scent is delicious.
Reply:A David Austin rambling rose called 'Kew Rambler' is perfect for you , it is dusty pink and has a strong musky fragrance. Go to www.davidaustinroses.com to see this lovely rose, and many more. good luck.
Rose bushes :how do you get a cutting done so you can plant a new bush?
Where do you cut a rose bush,to make a starter plant? Do you use Root Starter?How do I do this process?Please,any advice is needed.Thanks in advance : )
Rose bushes :how do you get a cutting done so you can plant a new bush?
You can cut the rose limb just under one of the joint, (get it about 10 inches long),add root toner,and stick it down at least a good 4 inches into some mulchy soil,keep it damp(not wet) and in a shady area..These can trick you into thinking you have rooted it,but just because it grows some leaves,doesnt mean it has roots,just wait for roots to appear when you look under the pot.
Reply:Hybrids are usually grafted onto sturdy root stock, so find out if the cutting is from a grafted plant or not.
Fitness Shoes
Rose bushes :how do you get a cutting done so you can plant a new bush?
You can cut the rose limb just under one of the joint, (get it about 10 inches long),add root toner,and stick it down at least a good 4 inches into some mulchy soil,keep it damp(not wet) and in a shady area..These can trick you into thinking you have rooted it,but just because it grows some leaves,doesnt mean it has roots,just wait for roots to appear when you look under the pot.
Reply:Hybrids are usually grafted onto sturdy root stock, so find out if the cutting is from a grafted plant or not.
Fitness Shoes
What eats the leaves off of rose bushes?
One of my rose bushes pretty much has no leaves left. What ever is eating it is eating like circles and half circles out of the leaves. I dont want my bush to die what can I do? I have roses on the other side of my porch that nothing is touching. Any tips or ideas on this. I live in Michigan if that helps at all.
What eats the leaves off of rose bushes?
There's several pests that can be eating your rose leaves.
Leaf-Cutter Bees: Small, perfectly circular holes cut into the foliage of your rose is caused by the Leaf-Cutter Bee. It uses the leaf cuttings to build its nest. Chemical controls are not necessary as they do not harm the plant and are rarely more than a minor nuisance.
Pear slugs are slimy, dark green and about ? inch long. They are the larvae of the sawfly. You will most often find them in the spring eating holes in your rose leaves from the undersides. Slugs can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time, so act quickly. Galic spray is great for getting rid of slugs, cutworms, wireworms, %26amp; whiteflies. Blend well 1garlic bulb %26amp; 1 onion add 1Tbsp cayenne pepper %26amp; 1 quart water. Steep ingredients for 1 hr, then strain %26amp; add 1 Tbsp dish soap and your non-toxic spray is ready to use.
Long-term prevention %26amp; deterrants for slugs: Spread coffee grounds( in moderation) around base of bush. Use repellent mulches: Wormwood, prostrate rosemary, basil, rue, hot pepper, acacia bark, and oak leaves are disliked by snails and make good repellent mulches. Wormwood is also effective as a spray. Use barriers with scratchy material, hydrated lime, wood ash, sharp sand, crushed egg shells, or diatamaceous earth.
A Japanese beetle infestation can be quite distressing as they have an insatiable hunger for rose blooms and sometimes even foliage. These pests lay eggs on your lawn and around your roses and return year after year. You can use a neem-based product to get rid of them or you can position a bowl filled with dish soap and water under the rose and tap lightly. They should fall out and drown in the solution. This procedure seems to be most effective in the morning or evening when the beetles are resting. Another procedure is to spray infected plants with a mixture of 1 tablespoon isopropyl alcohol to a pint of pyrethrin mixture every 3 to 5 days. Long-term prevention for Japanese Beetles is simular to that used to kill the Rose chafer larvae... biological controls such as beneficial nematodes or a product called "milky spore."
Earwigs: If you see signs of chewing on your rose blooms and young leaves, you may have earwigs. They are a large and soft-bodied yellowish-brown insect with a pair of curved pincers. They hide during the day and come out at night to climb into your rose blooms and feed. Traps such as corrugated cardboard; rolled up newspapers; small cans with openings punctured in the ends can be collected in the morning %26amp; the earwigs disposed of.
Caterpillars, the larvae of moths and butterflies. Some, such as budworms, attack only the flowers; others eat the leaves and stems. These can be picked off %26amp; discarded. Or sprinkle with flour when the plant is wet %26amp; they'll become coated with flour, suffocate %26amp; fall off the plant.
Rose aphids seem to go after the rose buds %26amp; suck the life out of the plant. Knock them off with a strong spray of water %26amp; use baby shampoo or mild dish detergent spray. The recommended dilution rate is 1 oz. Ivory Dishwashing Liquid to 1 gallon of water
Reply:Japanese Beetles. Go to Walmart, or anywhere. They have a powder to sprinkle on them to keep the bugs off.
Reply:What is eating your rose bush is called rose slug...Spray your bush with a solution of 2-4 drops of dish soap and water (mixed/shaken throughly) make sure to get underpart of leaves... Or you can buy a non poison insecticide, from your nursery. They will be able to give you a lot more info also...
Reply:Go to:
for all your questions about roses %26amp; then some more.
Reply:probably japanese beetles.go to your home depot, they can help.
What eats the leaves off of rose bushes?
There's several pests that can be eating your rose leaves.
Leaf-Cutter Bees: Small, perfectly circular holes cut into the foliage of your rose is caused by the Leaf-Cutter Bee. It uses the leaf cuttings to build its nest. Chemical controls are not necessary as they do not harm the plant and are rarely more than a minor nuisance.
Pear slugs are slimy, dark green and about ? inch long. They are the larvae of the sawfly. You will most often find them in the spring eating holes in your rose leaves from the undersides. Slugs can do a lot of damage in a short amount of time, so act quickly. Galic spray is great for getting rid of slugs, cutworms, wireworms, %26amp; whiteflies. Blend well 1garlic bulb %26amp; 1 onion add 1Tbsp cayenne pepper %26amp; 1 quart water. Steep ingredients for 1 hr, then strain %26amp; add 1 Tbsp dish soap and your non-toxic spray is ready to use.
Long-term prevention %26amp; deterrants for slugs: Spread coffee grounds( in moderation) around base of bush. Use repellent mulches: Wormwood, prostrate rosemary, basil, rue, hot pepper, acacia bark, and oak leaves are disliked by snails and make good repellent mulches. Wormwood is also effective as a spray. Use barriers with scratchy material, hydrated lime, wood ash, sharp sand, crushed egg shells, or diatamaceous earth.
A Japanese beetle infestation can be quite distressing as they have an insatiable hunger for rose blooms and sometimes even foliage. These pests lay eggs on your lawn and around your roses and return year after year. You can use a neem-based product to get rid of them or you can position a bowl filled with dish soap and water under the rose and tap lightly. They should fall out and drown in the solution. This procedure seems to be most effective in the morning or evening when the beetles are resting. Another procedure is to spray infected plants with a mixture of 1 tablespoon isopropyl alcohol to a pint of pyrethrin mixture every 3 to 5 days. Long-term prevention for Japanese Beetles is simular to that used to kill the Rose chafer larvae... biological controls such as beneficial nematodes or a product called "milky spore."
Earwigs: If you see signs of chewing on your rose blooms and young leaves, you may have earwigs. They are a large and soft-bodied yellowish-brown insect with a pair of curved pincers. They hide during the day and come out at night to climb into your rose blooms and feed. Traps such as corrugated cardboard; rolled up newspapers; small cans with openings punctured in the ends can be collected in the morning %26amp; the earwigs disposed of.
Caterpillars, the larvae of moths and butterflies. Some, such as budworms, attack only the flowers; others eat the leaves and stems. These can be picked off %26amp; discarded. Or sprinkle with flour when the plant is wet %26amp; they'll become coated with flour, suffocate %26amp; fall off the plant.
Rose aphids seem to go after the rose buds %26amp; suck the life out of the plant. Knock them off with a strong spray of water %26amp; use baby shampoo or mild dish detergent spray. The recommended dilution rate is 1 oz. Ivory Dishwashing Liquid to 1 gallon of water
Reply:Japanese Beetles. Go to Walmart, or anywhere. They have a powder to sprinkle on them to keep the bugs off.
Reply:What is eating your rose bush is called rose slug...Spray your bush with a solution of 2-4 drops of dish soap and water (mixed/shaken throughly) make sure to get underpart of leaves... Or you can buy a non poison insecticide, from your nursery. They will be able to give you a lot more info also...
Reply:Go to:
for all your questions about roses %26amp; then some more.
Reply:probably japanese beetles.go to your home depot, they can help.
Does anyone know how to make or where to find a true black rose?
I know black roses dont exist naturally, so I was wondering if anyone knows how to, and with what to, color a rose black.
Does anyone know how to make or where to find a true black rose?
Can use fake ones. Or spray paint real ones but they will wilt fast so be careful.
Reply:dye a white one black.
Reply:they said the black rose exist, and its not really a black it's dark violet they said.
Does anyone know how to make or where to find a true black rose?
Can use fake ones. Or spray paint real ones but they will wilt fast so be careful.
Reply:dye a white one black.
Reply:they said the black rose exist, and its not really a black it's dark violet they said.
How can I make a black rose?
I don't want to order one becasue I'm not too confident on ordering them for some reason. But my girlfriend is amazed by them and I was wondering How I could turn a rose black just at my house.
How can I make a black rose?
"black"roses are not really black but a very dark red. Here is a picture.
Buy black silk roses, mix them in with a bunch of real roses and put drops of essential oil on them. I'm sure your wife will like it.
Reply:color it with a permanent maker or spray paint it with black paint the rose wont stay alive very long but it will work!
Reply:you could try putting a purple rose near a red one to cross pollinate, but I would buy one, the name nearly black, and it's worth it.
Reply:Stand it it printers in for a few hours.
Reply:You can't just turn a rose black to start with, it has to be special breed that way...ask your ? in lawn and garden.....do you or your g/f know that a black rose means death/ end of relationship....you need to know 'a lot' about gardening to produce a black rose!!...
Reply:get some white roses and dip them in water with black dye.
Reply:make a rainbow rose. order white roses, and put each one into a vase of water full of different food colorings overnight. soon you will have green, blue, pink, etc roses. you will have a rainbow bouquet!
(works for most ppl. ive done it. maybe u can try it b4 vday)
Reply:# When to take the cuttings
Roses may be rooted at any time of the year, but for home gardeners, success is much more likely during the cool months from November through February. Late fall is a favorite time because there are usually a few blossoms still remaining on everblooming types to identify them.
# How to take cuttings
The easiest part of the rose to root is the tip of stems that have recently bloomed. Ideally, these tips have withered flowers, or hips, beginning to form. The flower heads or hips should be removed down to the first set of healthy leaves. Cuttings should be 6 to 8 inches long and be cut from the parent plant with a sharp knife or pruning shears at about a 45 degree angle. It is important that the cuttings not be allowed to dry out or be exposed to extreme heat or cold, at least until they are stuck into the rooting medium. Experienced old rose collectors often carry styrofoam ice chests, plastic bags, a small amount of water, and ice if they are likely to be in very hot conditions before getting the cuttings to the rooting area. Cuttings may be stored for several days in this manner, if necessary, but the sooner they are stuck, the better.
# Preparing the Cuttings
The use of rooting hormones has been shown to increase the percentage of cuttings to root and the number of roots per cutting, but it is not necessary for success. Rooting hormones are commercially available in powder form and are popular with some rose growers. Others also like to use one-inch sections of cut branches from willows, cut both horizontally and laterally, to soak in a pan of water that has been brought to a rolling boil (rainwater is ideal). Allow the willow pieces to steep in the water overnight. It should look like weak tea. Remove the willow pieces and soak the rose cuttings in the concoction for several hours. It is helpful to recut the rose cuttings about a half-inch from the ends before placing in the willow water. Willow water may be prepared in advance to facilitate the process. It may also be used for the initial watering of the newly stuck cuttings. Although it sounds a bit far out, research at the Ohio State University has shown that willows (apparently any species of Salix) contain substances that can induce rooting and prevent ìdamping off? or canker in other plants. This substance can be successfully removed from the willow wood by the method described, and has been shown to improve the percentage of cuttings rooting in controlled experiments.
# Selecting the Location and Sticking the Cuttings
Selecting the site for sticking the cuttings is very important. Roses prefer a sunny location, but for rooting purposes it is usually best that they be shielded from the hot afternoon sun. Bright light, but not direct sunlight, is ideal. It is also good if a location can be chosen where the soil is sandy and well-drained, and where drip from the roof helps to keep the area moist. An east or north facing flower bed against a house or other structure is usually a good choice. The sand or sandy soil should be amended with l/4 to l/3 peat moss, composted pine bark, or similar material. The cutting bed should be well tilled or spaded to insure a good blend of the soil and organic materials.
Foliage on the lower half of the cuttings should be removed, but allowed to remain on the upper part. After dipping into powdered rooting hormone, soaking in willow water, or with no hormone treatment at all, the cuttings are ready to stick into the media. If a powdered hormone is used, remove some of the material from the container, roll or dip each cutting into the material and tap the cutting lightly to remove any loose powder. Use a wooden pencil or dibble to make a hole for each individual cutting. The cuttings should be stuck several inches or about half the length of the cutting into the media. This will prevent damaging the cutting as it is stuck or unnecessarily removing rooting hormone. Place the cuttings 6 or 8 inches apart in rows, and label each row with a permanent marker stating the variety, if known, or the site where collected. Also include the date the cuttings were stuck. Be sure to firm the soil carefully around each cutting and water thoroughly. Some growers like to use large plastic or styrofoam cups with drainage holes added, sinking the whole thing in the bed to facilitate later removal. This method requires more careful monitoring, since the individual pots will dry out more quickly than cuttings placed directly in the bed.
Other methods include sticking cuttings in a plastic flower pot of potting medium and bringing a clear, thin polyplastic bag, such as vegetable produce is sacked in, up over the pot and cuttings, twisted shut at the top and secured with a rubber band or ?twistem.Ã A stick or clipped wire clothes hanger in the pot higher than the cuttings keeps the bag from collapsing down around the plant material. This will keep humidity constant inside the bag, while the cuttings are growing roots. Sometimes a glass jar is placed over cuttings planted in the flower bed to keep the plants humid while getting established. You must be sure that direct sun does not overheat the contents of the jar. It is also possible to put trimmed rose lengths into potting mix in a ziplock bag which is then hung up on a clothesline in bright shade. It will be easy to tell when roots have appeared as they will be seen through the transparent plastic.
# Care During the Rooting Period
It is especially important early in the rooting period of the cuttings that they not be allowed to dry out. This may require watering every other day or so if rain does not occur. It may not be necessary to provide cold protection to the rooting cuttings in most of Texas and the Gulf Coast, but in the upper South extreme cold can cause damage that could have been prevented by covering for a few hours or days.
During the first month or two after being stuck, the cuttings begin to develop what is called ìcallus tissue?. It is a swelling on the cutting tip and other areas where roots are to develop. As winter begins to turn to spring, the cuttings will sprout roots and new growth. This is a critical time for the new plants and it is important that they not be allowed to dry out. Although the plants are usually well rooted by late April or May, it is best to leave them in place until the next fall or winter. The young plants are extremely vulnerable to stress the first summer and are best left to develop a good root system.
# Transplanting to a Permanent Location
By late fall or winter the young plants should be ready to move to a permanent location in the landscape. They will be small, but most varieties grow quickly and produce a fair quantity of flowers by next spring. To protect them from wind damage, it is a good idea to prune back any tall shoots and thin the plants sparingly, if possible, at the time they are being transplanted. During the naturally dormant period in late winter the plants may be dug either with a ball of soil or bare root. For best results, plant in locations receiving at least a half day of sun in well prepared soil. A regular fertilizer program may be started by mid-spring.
Reply:Your confidence????? Or you're too cheap. Buy a dark red rose or pick one, let it die....it'll turn black, cheapskate.
Reply:I had to make some once, and the only method that worked for me was to dry them upside-down for aboput three days, then dip them in a light solution of black fabric dye and hang them over news paper to avoid unwanted staining. It worked, but was really labor-intensive and required re-dipping a few times to be trule black (worked out for me, though -- the almost-black red was even better than I thought)
Reply:get some black food coloring and mix it with water then stick a white rose in to it
Reply:check on the interenet sure you'lll find sumthing
Reply:Food coloring!
Reply:Instead of ordering 'real' black roses, you can order black leather roses. These are very pretty. You can mix them intogether with 'regular' roses as another answer was posted, and your girlfriend will love them.
I received some as part of a party favour once and still have it. Everyone who sees it asks me where I got it.
Good Luck!
makeup powder
How can I make a black rose?
"black"roses are not really black but a very dark red. Here is a picture.
Buy black silk roses, mix them in with a bunch of real roses and put drops of essential oil on them. I'm sure your wife will like it.
Reply:color it with a permanent maker or spray paint it with black paint the rose wont stay alive very long but it will work!
Reply:you could try putting a purple rose near a red one to cross pollinate, but I would buy one, the name nearly black, and it's worth it.
Reply:Stand it it printers in for a few hours.
Reply:You can't just turn a rose black to start with, it has to be special breed that way...ask your ? in lawn and garden.....do you or your g/f know that a black rose means death/ end of relationship....you need to know 'a lot' about gardening to produce a black rose!!...
Reply:get some white roses and dip them in water with black dye.
Reply:make a rainbow rose. order white roses, and put each one into a vase of water full of different food colorings overnight. soon you will have green, blue, pink, etc roses. you will have a rainbow bouquet!
(works for most ppl. ive done it. maybe u can try it b4 vday)
Reply:# When to take the cuttings
Roses may be rooted at any time of the year, but for home gardeners, success is much more likely during the cool months from November through February. Late fall is a favorite time because there are usually a few blossoms still remaining on everblooming types to identify them.
# How to take cuttings
The easiest part of the rose to root is the tip of stems that have recently bloomed. Ideally, these tips have withered flowers, or hips, beginning to form. The flower heads or hips should be removed down to the first set of healthy leaves. Cuttings should be 6 to 8 inches long and be cut from the parent plant with a sharp knife or pruning shears at about a 45 degree angle. It is important that the cuttings not be allowed to dry out or be exposed to extreme heat or cold, at least until they are stuck into the rooting medium. Experienced old rose collectors often carry styrofoam ice chests, plastic bags, a small amount of water, and ice if they are likely to be in very hot conditions before getting the cuttings to the rooting area. Cuttings may be stored for several days in this manner, if necessary, but the sooner they are stuck, the better.
# Preparing the Cuttings
The use of rooting hormones has been shown to increase the percentage of cuttings to root and the number of roots per cutting, but it is not necessary for success. Rooting hormones are commercially available in powder form and are popular with some rose growers. Others also like to use one-inch sections of cut branches from willows, cut both horizontally and laterally, to soak in a pan of water that has been brought to a rolling boil (rainwater is ideal). Allow the willow pieces to steep in the water overnight. It should look like weak tea. Remove the willow pieces and soak the rose cuttings in the concoction for several hours. It is helpful to recut the rose cuttings about a half-inch from the ends before placing in the willow water. Willow water may be prepared in advance to facilitate the process. It may also be used for the initial watering of the newly stuck cuttings. Although it sounds a bit far out, research at the Ohio State University has shown that willows (apparently any species of Salix) contain substances that can induce rooting and prevent ìdamping off? or canker in other plants. This substance can be successfully removed from the willow wood by the method described, and has been shown to improve the percentage of cuttings rooting in controlled experiments.
# Selecting the Location and Sticking the Cuttings
Selecting the site for sticking the cuttings is very important. Roses prefer a sunny location, but for rooting purposes it is usually best that they be shielded from the hot afternoon sun. Bright light, but not direct sunlight, is ideal. It is also good if a location can be chosen where the soil is sandy and well-drained, and where drip from the roof helps to keep the area moist. An east or north facing flower bed against a house or other structure is usually a good choice. The sand or sandy soil should be amended with l/4 to l/3 peat moss, composted pine bark, or similar material. The cutting bed should be well tilled or spaded to insure a good blend of the soil and organic materials.
Foliage on the lower half of the cuttings should be removed, but allowed to remain on the upper part. After dipping into powdered rooting hormone, soaking in willow water, or with no hormone treatment at all, the cuttings are ready to stick into the media. If a powdered hormone is used, remove some of the material from the container, roll or dip each cutting into the material and tap the cutting lightly to remove any loose powder. Use a wooden pencil or dibble to make a hole for each individual cutting. The cuttings should be stuck several inches or about half the length of the cutting into the media. This will prevent damaging the cutting as it is stuck or unnecessarily removing rooting hormone. Place the cuttings 6 or 8 inches apart in rows, and label each row with a permanent marker stating the variety, if known, or the site where collected. Also include the date the cuttings were stuck. Be sure to firm the soil carefully around each cutting and water thoroughly. Some growers like to use large plastic or styrofoam cups with drainage holes added, sinking the whole thing in the bed to facilitate later removal. This method requires more careful monitoring, since the individual pots will dry out more quickly than cuttings placed directly in the bed.
Other methods include sticking cuttings in a plastic flower pot of potting medium and bringing a clear, thin polyplastic bag, such as vegetable produce is sacked in, up over the pot and cuttings, twisted shut at the top and secured with a rubber band or ?twistem.Ã A stick or clipped wire clothes hanger in the pot higher than the cuttings keeps the bag from collapsing down around the plant material. This will keep humidity constant inside the bag, while the cuttings are growing roots. Sometimes a glass jar is placed over cuttings planted in the flower bed to keep the plants humid while getting established. You must be sure that direct sun does not overheat the contents of the jar. It is also possible to put trimmed rose lengths into potting mix in a ziplock bag which is then hung up on a clothesline in bright shade. It will be easy to tell when roots have appeared as they will be seen through the transparent plastic.
# Care During the Rooting Period
It is especially important early in the rooting period of the cuttings that they not be allowed to dry out. This may require watering every other day or so if rain does not occur. It may not be necessary to provide cold protection to the rooting cuttings in most of Texas and the Gulf Coast, but in the upper South extreme cold can cause damage that could have been prevented by covering for a few hours or days.
During the first month or two after being stuck, the cuttings begin to develop what is called ìcallus tissue?. It is a swelling on the cutting tip and other areas where roots are to develop. As winter begins to turn to spring, the cuttings will sprout roots and new growth. This is a critical time for the new plants and it is important that they not be allowed to dry out. Although the plants are usually well rooted by late April or May, it is best to leave them in place until the next fall or winter. The young plants are extremely vulnerable to stress the first summer and are best left to develop a good root system.
# Transplanting to a Permanent Location
By late fall or winter the young plants should be ready to move to a permanent location in the landscape. They will be small, but most varieties grow quickly and produce a fair quantity of flowers by next spring. To protect them from wind damage, it is a good idea to prune back any tall shoots and thin the plants sparingly, if possible, at the time they are being transplanted. During the naturally dormant period in late winter the plants may be dug either with a ball of soil or bare root. For best results, plant in locations receiving at least a half day of sun in well prepared soil. A regular fertilizer program may be started by mid-spring.
Reply:Your confidence????? Or you're too cheap. Buy a dark red rose or pick one, let it die....it'll turn black, cheapskate.
Reply:I had to make some once, and the only method that worked for me was to dry them upside-down for aboput three days, then dip them in a light solution of black fabric dye and hang them over news paper to avoid unwanted staining. It worked, but was really labor-intensive and required re-dipping a few times to be trule black (worked out for me, though -- the almost-black red was even better than I thought)
Reply:get some black food coloring and mix it with water then stick a white rose in to it
Reply:check on the interenet sure you'lll find sumthing
Reply:Food coloring!
Reply:Instead of ordering 'real' black roses, you can order black leather roses. These are very pretty. You can mix them intogether with 'regular' roses as another answer was posted, and your girlfriend will love them.
I received some as part of a party favour once and still have it. Everyone who sees it asks me where I got it.
Good Luck!
Rose specialists who can TEACH. Please explain simply and clearly how to identify a "sucker" on an ordinary
rose bush (NO NOT A CLIMBER). How far will it be from the base of the plant? Will the texture be different from the other stems, etc. I am a novice. Thank you for not using technical words which have me running to a plant dictionary. You're on . . .
Rose specialists who can TEACH. Please explain simply and clearly how to identify a "sucker" on an ordinary
remove a little soil from around the base of the rose, if the cane is attached below the graft then it is a sucker. You can ID the graft line by looking carefully for a spot that has what looks like a knot, or bulge at or just below ground level.
Reply:A lot of roses are grafted, a cutting from the rose type that you purchased is grafted onto rootstock from a standard cultivar. Suckers are canes that emerge from the rootstock below the bud union (that big bump at the base of the rosebush). These suckers come from the roots, rather than from the bud union. The suckers will be of the cultivar that the variety that you purchased was grafted onto and not the variety you bought. They should be removed by following such canes carefully down to their point of origin below ground before tearing them away from the root. Tearing them off is preferred over cutting them because more will sprout from the place where you cut the sucker off.
Visit our website for more gardening ideas at-
Good Luck and Happy Gardening from Cathy and Neal!
Reply:A Rose sucker is a cane that comes up from below the bush from the roots. It usually does not grow far from the bush and will be a single and rather long cane. It tends to be lighter in color with smaller leaves. One way to identify it is to dig around it and if you see that it is attached to the bush below the graft union which looks like a large knot at the base of the plant then just pull the sucker cane from the plant because it will steal energy from your rose. I say pull it off because if you leave any of it, it will return. Just pull in a downward motion to remove it. If your rose is an own root rose and not a grafted rose then consider yourself lucky, because you just got another rose provided your sucker has roots. If your rose is a hybrid tea that has been grafted then you will end up with a stock rose, usually white, but that doesn't mean that they are unattractive or not worth replanting if there is space.
adult teeth
Rose specialists who can TEACH. Please explain simply and clearly how to identify a "sucker" on an ordinary
remove a little soil from around the base of the rose, if the cane is attached below the graft then it is a sucker. You can ID the graft line by looking carefully for a spot that has what looks like a knot, or bulge at or just below ground level.
Reply:A lot of roses are grafted, a cutting from the rose type that you purchased is grafted onto rootstock from a standard cultivar. Suckers are canes that emerge from the rootstock below the bud union (that big bump at the base of the rosebush). These suckers come from the roots, rather than from the bud union. The suckers will be of the cultivar that the variety that you purchased was grafted onto and not the variety you bought. They should be removed by following such canes carefully down to their point of origin below ground before tearing them away from the root. Tearing them off is preferred over cutting them because more will sprout from the place where you cut the sucker off.
Visit our website for more gardening ideas at-
Good Luck and Happy Gardening from Cathy and Neal!
Reply:A Rose sucker is a cane that comes up from below the bush from the roots. It usually does not grow far from the bush and will be a single and rather long cane. It tends to be lighter in color with smaller leaves. One way to identify it is to dig around it and if you see that it is attached to the bush below the graft union which looks like a large knot at the base of the plant then just pull the sucker cane from the plant because it will steal energy from your rose. I say pull it off because if you leave any of it, it will return. Just pull in a downward motion to remove it. If your rose is an own root rose and not a grafted rose then consider yourself lucky, because you just got another rose provided your sucker has roots. If your rose is a hybrid tea that has been grafted then you will end up with a stock rose, usually white, but that doesn't mean that they are unattractive or not worth replanting if there is space.
adult teeth
Should I fertilize my hybrid tea rose?
I planted a hybrid tea rose in a pot about a month ago. I used some Miracle Gro potting soil. Now my hybrid tea has been doing pretty good, its grown nice tall stems and buds have formed, but I am wondering if I should add some fertilizer or plant food. The Miracle Gro soil said it feeds plants for 3 months? Should I wait 3 months before feeding with something else or should I go ahead and add some fertilizer anyway?
Should I fertilize my hybrid tea rose?
Do not fertilize until the proper time. Over fertilizing will kill some plants. So be safe and do as the directions suggested.
My suggestion is to continue to feed it with 3 month Osmocote and also feed it with the foliage spray once a month of Miracle-Gro. This will give you the double dose of fertilizer to establish a long term and a monthly feeding program for your Hybrid Teas.
Don't forget the critter check, once a month. If you see problems...treat immediately.
For more information check out my website at
Should I fertilize my hybrid tea rose?
Do not fertilize until the proper time. Over fertilizing will kill some plants. So be safe and do as the directions suggested.
My suggestion is to continue to feed it with 3 month Osmocote and also feed it with the foliage spray once a month of Miracle-Gro. This will give you the double dose of fertilizer to establish a long term and a monthly feeding program for your Hybrid Teas.
Don't forget the critter check, once a month. If you see problems...treat immediately.
For more information check out my website at
What can I do for my rose bushes?
I do not know if they are old and should be dug up. Or if I should get a differant fertilizer. How long do rose bushes last? They looked better last year but were very scrawny and did not have many flowers at all? Thank You
What can I do for my rose bushes?
Roses are temperamental depending on the winter that you have( scrawny last year could have been a bad winter). If you cut back every November to the original canes it should last 30 years ar least. Bone calcium just after cut back and fertilizer in January and Lots of water and your plant should recover! but if that doesn't sound like it try taking part of it to a UC EXTENSION they specialize in plants and there problems
Reply:fro what i read so far, adding used tea bags, egg shells would help. get some fertaliser specially for roses.
Reply:Roses are a pita because they do grow so slowly. They don't take the work some claim, though. They are, however, suceptable to bugs..so watch for them! I fertalize mine in the spring and in the summer and in the fall. I just buy rose food from the store. Rose Tone is great. Look for something that says it promotes blooms in roses. Make sure they have enough water, but not standing in it. Mulch around the base of them. It helps keep in moisture. Some roses are decades and decades old. They last forever, but grow pretty slowly.
Reply:My MOm always puts the used coffe grounds around them and also egg shells. And she has some of the biggest roses around...
What can I do for my rose bushes?
Roses are temperamental depending on the winter that you have( scrawny last year could have been a bad winter). If you cut back every November to the original canes it should last 30 years ar least. Bone calcium just after cut back and fertilizer in January and Lots of water and your plant should recover! but if that doesn't sound like it try taking part of it to a UC EXTENSION they specialize in plants and there problems
Reply:fro what i read so far, adding used tea bags, egg shells would help. get some fertaliser specially for roses.
Reply:Roses are a pita because they do grow so slowly. They don't take the work some claim, though. They are, however, suceptable to bugs..so watch for them! I fertalize mine in the spring and in the summer and in the fall. I just buy rose food from the store. Rose Tone is great. Look for something that says it promotes blooms in roses. Make sure they have enough water, but not standing in it. Mulch around the base of them. It helps keep in moisture. Some roses are decades and decades old. They last forever, but grow pretty slowly.
Reply:My MOm always puts the used coffe grounds around them and also egg shells. And she has some of the biggest roses around...
How do I wrap a rose?
I have a friend in a play and I want to wrap a rose all nice for her. I have a rose, baby's breath, greens and I was going to wrap them in two contrasting colors of tissue paper and one piece of cellophane.Anyone know the steps to wrapping the rose like they do at a flower shop?
How do I wrap a rose?
I tried explaining but it was too long winded, so I found the above link for one solution. Or you can wrap them in a cone shape ( with a corner of the paper at the top), cellophane next to the flowers and tissue outside,then tied with a ribbon.
Reply:firstly have all the materials you need ( baby's breath, roses etc) ready including an elastic band.
Make the 'bouquet" in your hand. When it looks lovely use the elastic to secure it.
Then place in some water and cut all the stems underwater.
I like to wrap some wet cotton balls or make up remover pads or even wet paper towel around the cut ends to keep it moist.
Take your paper you are going to use and layer it in the order you want leaving it in the table as you layer.
The one that goes outside will be first.
Then take one corner and fold gently to make a large enough opening for the flowers. You'll need to fold it over about 1/2 of the way.
Holding the corner of the triangle fold it again. This makes a sort of funnel shape.
Place the flowers inside so the tip of the stems in in the tip of the fold.
Then tape it closed or use another elastic.
Tie a ribbon around the bottom part to add some extra beauty
Give it with love
How do I wrap a rose?
I tried explaining but it was too long winded, so I found the above link for one solution. Or you can wrap them in a cone shape ( with a corner of the paper at the top), cellophane next to the flowers and tissue outside,then tied with a ribbon.
Reply:firstly have all the materials you need ( baby's breath, roses etc) ready including an elastic band.
Make the 'bouquet" in your hand. When it looks lovely use the elastic to secure it.
Then place in some water and cut all the stems underwater.
I like to wrap some wet cotton balls or make up remover pads or even wet paper towel around the cut ends to keep it moist.
Take your paper you are going to use and layer it in the order you want leaving it in the table as you layer.
The one that goes outside will be first.
Then take one corner and fold gently to make a large enough opening for the flowers. You'll need to fold it over about 1/2 of the way.
Holding the corner of the triangle fold it again. This makes a sort of funnel shape.
Place the flowers inside so the tip of the stems in in the tip of the fold.
Then tape it closed or use another elastic.
Tie a ribbon around the bottom part to add some extra beauty
Give it with love
Advice on Rose plants please?
Hiya I bought two new rose plants and planted them today. Does anyone have any tips or advice for growing healthy roses? I have bought rose food but I do not know much about growing them. Any help would be great thanks.
Advice on Rose plants please?
Make sure the rose has at least 6 hours of sun morning sun is best .
It should have at least 1 inch of water a week.
Should have a slightly acidic soil around 6.5
And fertilizw at least 3 times a year.
Keep insects and disease under controll.
I hope this helps.
Reply:water and lots of water make sure there is NO air in the hole and plant use lots of water and pack it down with the end of your shovel
lots of water
Reply:dig a deep hole spread the roots out. if you had any manure mix it in with your soil but make sure it is well trod down they like to be firm in the ground water really well .and give them a good feed.
Reply:Go back to the nursery where you bought them, and inquire about the needs of that particular Rose. Or go to your local county agent and inquire. Google "Rose Culture" on your computer and you will find a whole library of information.
Teeth Cleaningfacial
Advice on Rose plants please?
Make sure the rose has at least 6 hours of sun morning sun is best .
It should have at least 1 inch of water a week.
Should have a slightly acidic soil around 6.5
And fertilizw at least 3 times a year.
Keep insects and disease under controll.
I hope this helps.
Reply:water and lots of water make sure there is NO air in the hole and plant use lots of water and pack it down with the end of your shovel
lots of water
Reply:dig a deep hole spread the roots out. if you had any manure mix it in with your soil but make sure it is well trod down they like to be firm in the ground water really well .and give them a good feed.
Reply:Go back to the nursery where you bought them, and inquire about the needs of that particular Rose. Or go to your local county agent and inquire. Google "Rose Culture" on your computer and you will find a whole library of information.
Teeth Cleaning
Where am i can buy rose chinensis jacq?
i want to buy chinses rose. The latin name :Rosa chinensis gacq.which one garden center sell this in london.
Where am i can buy rose chinensis jacq?
These are some of the places you can look into in order to find the flower of this genotype. I totally recommend checking each one of them out.
Peace, Good Luck, and if you need anything else, please feel free to Email me. Bye.
Where am i can buy rose chinensis jacq?
These are some of the places you can look into in order to find the flower of this genotype. I totally recommend checking each one of them out.
Peace, Good Luck, and if you need anything else, please feel free to Email me. Bye.
How do I make a Rose out of dollar bills?
My sister is graduating from high school this friday and I've been searching for websites that have instructions to making roses/flowers out of money.
Most of the sites were simple roses. I found a picture of an ideal rose I want to make: http://www.leisofhawaii.com/moneyr1...
Maybe someone can help me find the perfect website pertaining to what I'm looking for? It doesn't have to me exactly like the one shown. Perhaps close?
How do I make a Rose out of dollar bills?
Here you go.. halfway down the page... Winson Chan... Rose
Click on the "rose" PDF file and you'll get complete diagrams. You need Acrobat Reader which is free here...
Most of the sites were simple roses. I found a picture of an ideal rose I want to make: http://www.leisofhawaii.com/moneyr1...
Maybe someone can help me find the perfect website pertaining to what I'm looking for? It doesn't have to me exactly like the one shown. Perhaps close?
How do I make a Rose out of dollar bills?
Here you go.. halfway down the page... Winson Chan... Rose
Click on the "rose" PDF file and you'll get complete diagrams. You need Acrobat Reader which is free here...
Has anyone heard of rose geranium cake?
I have heard about a cake called rose geranium cake. It sounds interesting and I would like to try one. Also, back in the day (about 40 years ago:) My brother used to help this old lady pull taffy in her basement. She canned everything. She even canned dandelion stems in some sort of liquid. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Has anyone heard of rose geranium cake?
Rose geranium cake:
There are lots more--just google "rose geranium cake".
Canned dandelion:
I think "can" in the recipe means a canning jar.
All things dandelion:
They may sell canned dandelions, and do sell a dandelion cookbook.
Commercial canned dandelion:
Order some:
I tried cooking some, and they were very bitter. I'm sure there's a way to get the bitterness down to an edible level.
Reply:You can substitute dandelion greens in any cooked spinach or chard recipe if you can find a canning recipe for that...here is the cake recipe...
Rose Geranium Buttermilk Pound Cake recipe
1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine
2 1/4 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon lemon zest
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup finely minced fresh rose geranium leaves
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup buttermilk
6 whole fresh rose geranium leaves
Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease and flour a Bundt pan.
Using an electric mixer, cream butter or margarine and sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs on at a time. Mix well. On slow speed, add vanilla extract and next 3 ingredients.
In a separate bowl, combine flour and baking soda. To the batter, add dry ingredients in 3 portions and buttermilk in 2 portions, alternating between the two. Mix well to moisten flour. Place whole rose geranium leaves in the bottom of prepared Bundt pan. Carefully pour batter into the pan. Bake for exactly 1 hour, 10 minutes, even if cake does not appear done at the end of cooking time. Cool for 10 minutes. Remove from pan. Dust with confectioners sugar or frost.
Yields 10 to 12 servings.
here are some dandelion recipes...
Dandelion Jelly
1 qt. dandelion flowers
1 qt. water
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 box Sure-Jell
Cook together for 3 minutes the flowers and water.
Strain and save juice.
Follow directions on Sure-Jell box using dandelion water.
Bring to a boil, then add 4 1/2 cups sugar and lemon juice.
Dr. Lehman's Dandelion Wine
4 quarts dandelion flowers
4 quarts boiling water
4 pounds sugar
1 lemon
2 oranges
Pour boiling water over the flowers. Let stand 24 hours. Than boil 20 minutes. Put in the rind of the lemon and orange in when boiling. Strain through colander. Add the pulp of the lemon and orange sliced in when it is lukewarm. Add a tablespoon of yeast and let stand a week. Than strain it through cheesecloth and put it up. Keep a month before using. If you put it in a jar, do not tighten all at once(the lid)(Don't seal too soon or you will over-pressure the bottles)
~This is from Doc Lehman of Mountville,Pennsylvania
My Aunt and Uncle make this every year and her are what they have added.
Add yeast when cold, either directly or float it on toast. Let stand for 3 weeks then sieve through cheese cloth. Bottle, but don't cork tightly for at least two months. Should stand for six months before using If you don't want to wait six months try quick dandelion wine. Pour one cup white wine over 1 Tbsp. chopped dandelion leaves and let sit for one hour.
There are indeed good things about this weed. Dandelion is a gentle liver tonic and diuretic and grandma made dandelion tonic each spring....she would pour water over fresh leaves and let it stand a few hours and that strain it and "make" us drink it to "clean out the system". When she got a juicer she would mix dandelion.apples and carrots.
Cooked Dandelion Greens
Cut the roots from the greens and discard. Wash well in cold water. Bring a large pot of water to a full boil and put the greens into the water by the handful. Bring water quickly back to the boil and cook just until wilted, two or three minutes. Drain and run cold water over to stop the cooking. Squeeze as much moisture out as possible. At this point you may wrap well in plastic wrap and freeze for future use, 8 to 10 ounces per package is a useful size.
These greens may be used as a substitute for spinach or Swiss chard in any number of recipes, from ravioli or lasagna fillings to a simple sauté in olive oil with garlic as a side dish.Her grandma used this often as a filling when spinach was called for.
Dandelion Salad Vinaigrette
This is Shirley's recipe for the dressing her grandma made.
Salad Vinaigrette
Makes approximately 2/3 cup
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (I love oil from Tuscany for its peppery flavor)
3 Tblsp. red wine vinegar
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1 large peeled and smashed garlic clove
Freshly ground pepper
Put all ingredients into a jar with tight fitting lid. Shake well and let steep at least an hour before use. This will keep under refrigeration for a week. Bring to room temperature before using. You may wish to add a sprig or two of fresh herbs as available. Occasionally substituting fresh squeezed lemon juice for the vinegar makes a pleasant dressing, especially in the summer.
Dandelion Syrup
Now this is the other recipe she gave me. I propose using those bright yellow blooms as a delightful Dandelion Syrup for use over pancakes or waffles. Just make sure they pick them at the middle of the day when they are drier. To make a good supply, you'll need:
4 ea. big handfuls of dandelion tops(flowers)
1/2 ea. lemon, juiced
1 quart cold water
2 lbs. sugar
Place the tops in the water and bring to a slow boil. Let boil half a minute then cool overnight. The next day, strain and push out the excess water. Discard the blooms and save the dandelion water. Mix this water with the lemon and sugar and simmer until most of the water has evaporated. Do not bring to a hard boil.
Let the mixture cool, then simmer again until thick in consistency like maple syrup. This can be poured over flapjacks either warm or cool.
1 cup of flour
Dash of salt
Dash of pepper
1/2 teaspoon each of thyme, marjoram, sage, paprika
2 dozen large, fresh dandelion blossoms, freshly rinsed and still damp
Cooking oil
Mix flour and all seasonings together in a shallow bowl. Coat the bottom of a fry pan with oil and heat to a medium temperature. It is ready when a bit of flour sizzles up when dropped in. Coat the damp dandelions in the flour mixture, and fry in the oil until golden brown. Turn them as necessary to brown all sides. Remove blossoms from pan and set to drain on paper towels, or use paper bags as I do to soak up the excess oil. Add more oil as needed to complete cooking all blossoms. These taste best when served fresh and hot.
Dandelion Greens
Dandelion greens are cooked with chopped onion, minced garlic, chile pepper, then topped with grated Parmesan cheese.
1 pound dandelion greens
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1 whole small dried hot chile pepper, seeds removed, crushed
1/4 cup cooking oil
salt and pepper
Parmesan cheese
Discard dandelion green roots; wash greens well in salted water. Cut leaves into 2-inch pieces. Cook greens uncovered in small amount of salted water until tender, about 10 minutes. Sauté onion, garlic, and chile pepper in oil.
Drain greens; add to onion garlic mixture. Taste dandelion greens and season with salt and pepper. Serve dandelion greens with grated Parmesan cheese.
Recipe for dandelion greens serves 4.
Reply:Rose Geranium Cake
Rose geranium leaves
2 sticks butter
1 3/4 cups sugar
3 egg whites
2 eggs
3 cups sifted flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup milk
Wrap 6 geranium leaves around each stick of butter. Let stand in refrigerator overnight. Discard leaves. Line 2 waxed-paper lined cake pans with remaining rose geranium leaves. Cream softened butter and sugar in mixer bowl until light and fluffy. Beat in egg whites and eggs. Add remaining dry ingredients and liquid ingredients alternately to creamed mixture, beating well after each addition. Pour into prepared pans.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until layers test done. Cool in pans for several minutes. Invert onto wire rack. Remove leaves from layers with toothpicks; frosting will cover resulting roughness. Frost as desired. Yield: 12 servings.
Has anyone heard of rose geranium cake?
Rose geranium cake:
There are lots more--just google "rose geranium cake".
Canned dandelion:
I think "can" in the recipe means a canning jar.
All things dandelion:
They may sell canned dandelions, and do sell a dandelion cookbook.
Commercial canned dandelion:
Order some:
I tried cooking some, and they were very bitter. I'm sure there's a way to get the bitterness down to an edible level.
Reply:You can substitute dandelion greens in any cooked spinach or chard recipe if you can find a canning recipe for that...here is the cake recipe...
Rose Geranium Buttermilk Pound Cake recipe
1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine
2 1/4 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon lemon zest
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup finely minced fresh rose geranium leaves
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup buttermilk
6 whole fresh rose geranium leaves
Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease and flour a Bundt pan.
Using an electric mixer, cream butter or margarine and sugar until fluffy. Beat in eggs on at a time. Mix well. On slow speed, add vanilla extract and next 3 ingredients.
In a separate bowl, combine flour and baking soda. To the batter, add dry ingredients in 3 portions and buttermilk in 2 portions, alternating between the two. Mix well to moisten flour. Place whole rose geranium leaves in the bottom of prepared Bundt pan. Carefully pour batter into the pan. Bake for exactly 1 hour, 10 minutes, even if cake does not appear done at the end of cooking time. Cool for 10 minutes. Remove from pan. Dust with confectioners sugar or frost.
Yields 10 to 12 servings.
here are some dandelion recipes...
Dandelion Jelly
1 qt. dandelion flowers
1 qt. water
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 box Sure-Jell
Cook together for 3 minutes the flowers and water.
Strain and save juice.
Follow directions on Sure-Jell box using dandelion water.
Bring to a boil, then add 4 1/2 cups sugar and lemon juice.
Dr. Lehman's Dandelion Wine
4 quarts dandelion flowers
4 quarts boiling water
4 pounds sugar
1 lemon
2 oranges
Pour boiling water over the flowers. Let stand 24 hours. Than boil 20 minutes. Put in the rind of the lemon and orange in when boiling. Strain through colander. Add the pulp of the lemon and orange sliced in when it is lukewarm. Add a tablespoon of yeast and let stand a week. Than strain it through cheesecloth and put it up. Keep a month before using. If you put it in a jar, do not tighten all at once(the lid)(Don't seal too soon or you will over-pressure the bottles)
~This is from Doc Lehman of Mountville,Pennsylvania
My Aunt and Uncle make this every year and her are what they have added.
Add yeast when cold, either directly or float it on toast. Let stand for 3 weeks then sieve through cheese cloth. Bottle, but don't cork tightly for at least two months. Should stand for six months before using If you don't want to wait six months try quick dandelion wine. Pour one cup white wine over 1 Tbsp. chopped dandelion leaves and let sit for one hour.
There are indeed good things about this weed. Dandelion is a gentle liver tonic and diuretic and grandma made dandelion tonic each spring....she would pour water over fresh leaves and let it stand a few hours and that strain it and "make" us drink it to "clean out the system". When she got a juicer she would mix dandelion.apples and carrots.
Cooked Dandelion Greens
Cut the roots from the greens and discard. Wash well in cold water. Bring a large pot of water to a full boil and put the greens into the water by the handful. Bring water quickly back to the boil and cook just until wilted, two or three minutes. Drain and run cold water over to stop the cooking. Squeeze as much moisture out as possible. At this point you may wrap well in plastic wrap and freeze for future use, 8 to 10 ounces per package is a useful size.
These greens may be used as a substitute for spinach or Swiss chard in any number of recipes, from ravioli or lasagna fillings to a simple sauté in olive oil with garlic as a side dish.Her grandma used this often as a filling when spinach was called for.
Dandelion Salad Vinaigrette
This is Shirley's recipe for the dressing her grandma made.
Salad Vinaigrette
Makes approximately 2/3 cup
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (I love oil from Tuscany for its peppery flavor)
3 Tblsp. red wine vinegar
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. dry mustard
1 large peeled and smashed garlic clove
Freshly ground pepper
Put all ingredients into a jar with tight fitting lid. Shake well and let steep at least an hour before use. This will keep under refrigeration for a week. Bring to room temperature before using. You may wish to add a sprig or two of fresh herbs as available. Occasionally substituting fresh squeezed lemon juice for the vinegar makes a pleasant dressing, especially in the summer.
Dandelion Syrup
Now this is the other recipe she gave me. I propose using those bright yellow blooms as a delightful Dandelion Syrup for use over pancakes or waffles. Just make sure they pick them at the middle of the day when they are drier. To make a good supply, you'll need:
4 ea. big handfuls of dandelion tops(flowers)
1/2 ea. lemon, juiced
1 quart cold water
2 lbs. sugar
Place the tops in the water and bring to a slow boil. Let boil half a minute then cool overnight. The next day, strain and push out the excess water. Discard the blooms and save the dandelion water. Mix this water with the lemon and sugar and simmer until most of the water has evaporated. Do not bring to a hard boil.
Let the mixture cool, then simmer again until thick in consistency like maple syrup. This can be poured over flapjacks either warm or cool.
1 cup of flour
Dash of salt
Dash of pepper
1/2 teaspoon each of thyme, marjoram, sage, paprika
2 dozen large, fresh dandelion blossoms, freshly rinsed and still damp
Cooking oil
Mix flour and all seasonings together in a shallow bowl. Coat the bottom of a fry pan with oil and heat to a medium temperature. It is ready when a bit of flour sizzles up when dropped in. Coat the damp dandelions in the flour mixture, and fry in the oil until golden brown. Turn them as necessary to brown all sides. Remove blossoms from pan and set to drain on paper towels, or use paper bags as I do to soak up the excess oil. Add more oil as needed to complete cooking all blossoms. These taste best when served fresh and hot.
Dandelion Greens
Dandelion greens are cooked with chopped onion, minced garlic, chile pepper, then topped with grated Parmesan cheese.
1 pound dandelion greens
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic, minced
1 whole small dried hot chile pepper, seeds removed, crushed
1/4 cup cooking oil
salt and pepper
Parmesan cheese
Discard dandelion green roots; wash greens well in salted water. Cut leaves into 2-inch pieces. Cook greens uncovered in small amount of salted water until tender, about 10 minutes. Sauté onion, garlic, and chile pepper in oil.
Drain greens; add to onion garlic mixture. Taste dandelion greens and season with salt and pepper. Serve dandelion greens with grated Parmesan cheese.
Recipe for dandelion greens serves 4.
Reply:Rose Geranium Cake
Rose geranium leaves
2 sticks butter
1 3/4 cups sugar
3 egg whites
2 eggs
3 cups sifted flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup milk
Wrap 6 geranium leaves around each stick of butter. Let stand in refrigerator overnight. Discard leaves. Line 2 waxed-paper lined cake pans with remaining rose geranium leaves. Cream softened butter and sugar in mixer bowl until light and fluffy. Beat in egg whites and eggs. Add remaining dry ingredients and liquid ingredients alternately to creamed mixture, beating well after each addition. Pour into prepared pans.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes or until layers test done. Cool in pans for several minutes. Invert onto wire rack. Remove leaves from layers with toothpicks; frosting will cover resulting roughness. Frost as desired. Yield: 12 servings.
How to propagate a rose?
I have an old ablertine rose growing through a hawthorn hedge. I would like to take a cutting from this to grow somewhere else that it wasnt so smothered. How on earth do I do this successfully ?
How to propagate a rose?
Here, check out this site. It has step-by-step instructions as well as a visual how to.
It is very informative for beginners.
Good Luck
Reply:The first step is to select a stem from the rose. Look for a healthy stem about 30cm (1ft) long from near the base of the plant.
The stem should include at least three buds (see picture on left). Stems should have been produced from early in the year (i.e. they are fully mature). If immature stems are selected (i.e. those produced later in the year), the cutting is liable to rot.
Cut the stem from the plant using a sharp knife or secateurs.
The next step is to correctly trim cutting. Firstly, ensure that you are holding the cutting the correct way up! In other words ensure that the buds are pointing upwards. Make a sloping cut just above the selected top bud. Make a horizontal cut juts below the selected bottom bud.
Rooting compound can be applied to the base of the rose cutting, although with hardwood cuttings this is not really necessary.
Finally, choose a small patch of soil in your garden which is not over-exposed to the winter weather (near a wall or hedge is ideal), then dig it over with a trowel. Simply push the cutting into the earth about half or two thirds down and gently firm the soil down around the cutting. Note the the name of your rose garden plant on a marker tag and insert that next to cutting.
several can be inserted near another, just ensure they are not touching.The rose cuttings should remain undisturbed until next autumn, by which time they should have rooted sufficiently well for them to be transplanted to their final position in your garden.
Reply:You can't. Roses are grown on root stocks. If you take a cutting and root it, you just don't know what you'll end up with.
Reply:Take a rose cutting with sofwood on it, Then buy some rooting gel (gel 2 root), then place your cutting in the gel, then put your cutting in light, and in two weeks it will have roots growing on it, then transplant it in a 2-4 inch pot, keep it inside for winter, then when spring arrives plant it in the ground. Hope this helps Good Luck!
Reply:Hi, first things first is the rose a wild rose or cultivated eg on a rose stock. If its wild then you can do as smart E suggested and take a cutting, but if it is grafted the you need to bud graft it onto another rootstock. It can be done but is time consuming and difficult to do. I am not familiar with the term Albertine so I am presuming that it is what the British call a dog rose or wild rose if so go for it. They make great scrambling roses and give Autumn colour with the hips. The grafted type can be grown without the root stock but they can be either very vigour's or weedy depending on the nature of the rose, Small delicate stems and flowers will give you a weedy plant and vice versa that is why they are grafted in the first place, to control the vigour of the plant unlike grapes which have a disease and need to be grafted to grow well in Europe.If you are worried about damaging the rose and loosing it it is still available in Britain but that aside the picture that I have just seen suggests that you could remove the hedge to about one foot and erect a sturdy support then grow the rose up and over the hawthorn hedge. In Paris France it has reach a height of 12 foot against a wall. I can see why you want to keep the beautiful rose. Just a suggestion the hawthorn will grow back and protect the roses bare bottom stems.
Reply:This is the way I do it:-
Select 3or 4 cuttings from mature wood about 12" long.Make a clean slanting cut from just below a leaf node. Remove some leaves from the bottom to leave at least 6" of bare wood. Dip ends in rooting powder and keep aside.
Drive a garden spade vertically into the ground about half it's depth. Pull the spade forward to leave a hole. Fill the bottom of the hole with about 3" of sharp sand. Place the cuttings against the back wall of the hole having pushed them slightly into the sand. Fill hole with earth and use your foot to compress the soil a bit. Water well. Do'nt touch them for at least a year. Success is not guaranteed but maybe you'll find are green fingered after all !!!
Good luck !
Reply:is it legal to propagate a rose??????
Reply:My wife does this as part of her online business.
Take a cutting off the plant at least 18".
Mix one part honey to three parts water and soak about 6 inches of the cut end in this mixture for 30 minutes or so.
Just stick it in a pot of well drained potting soil about eight inches deep and keep it moist. It will grow new shoots and in about a month roots will start to develop. In two months its ready to transplant outside.
Reply:You have to bud a rose you cannot take a cutting I think and put it on a root stock.
Reply:This is an easy one to propagate...
There's two methods. You can try planting some of the summer prunings now (shoots that have flowered are ripe enough). Take lengths of about pencil thickness and about 8 inches long. Strip off the bottom leaves (leave a couple at the top), and stick them in a moist, shady part of the garden - two thirds of their length in the ground. Don't forget to water them. They will root over the winter, and should be ready to move by the following autumn.
You can also plant leafless cuttings, same sort of size, to two thirds of their depth, in the autumn, after the leaves have dropped off.
Most roses work quite well like this, especially the ramblers (like Albertine) and old shrub roses (Albas, Damasks, Gallicas, etc)
Best of luck.
How to propagate a rose?
Here, check out this site. It has step-by-step instructions as well as a visual how to.
It is very informative for beginners.
Good Luck
Reply:The first step is to select a stem from the rose. Look for a healthy stem about 30cm (1ft) long from near the base of the plant.
The stem should include at least three buds (see picture on left). Stems should have been produced from early in the year (i.e. they are fully mature). If immature stems are selected (i.e. those produced later in the year), the cutting is liable to rot.
Cut the stem from the plant using a sharp knife or secateurs.
The next step is to correctly trim cutting. Firstly, ensure that you are holding the cutting the correct way up! In other words ensure that the buds are pointing upwards. Make a sloping cut just above the selected top bud. Make a horizontal cut juts below the selected bottom bud.
Rooting compound can be applied to the base of the rose cutting, although with hardwood cuttings this is not really necessary.
Finally, choose a small patch of soil in your garden which is not over-exposed to the winter weather (near a wall or hedge is ideal), then dig it over with a trowel. Simply push the cutting into the earth about half or two thirds down and gently firm the soil down around the cutting. Note the the name of your rose garden plant on a marker tag and insert that next to cutting.
several can be inserted near another, just ensure they are not touching.The rose cuttings should remain undisturbed until next autumn, by which time they should have rooted sufficiently well for them to be transplanted to their final position in your garden.
Reply:You can't. Roses are grown on root stocks. If you take a cutting and root it, you just don't know what you'll end up with.
Reply:Take a rose cutting with sofwood on it, Then buy some rooting gel (gel 2 root), then place your cutting in the gel, then put your cutting in light, and in two weeks it will have roots growing on it, then transplant it in a 2-4 inch pot, keep it inside for winter, then when spring arrives plant it in the ground. Hope this helps Good Luck!
Reply:Hi, first things first is the rose a wild rose or cultivated eg on a rose stock. If its wild then you can do as smart E suggested and take a cutting, but if it is grafted the you need to bud graft it onto another rootstock. It can be done but is time consuming and difficult to do. I am not familiar with the term Albertine so I am presuming that it is what the British call a dog rose or wild rose if so go for it. They make great scrambling roses and give Autumn colour with the hips. The grafted type can be grown without the root stock but they can be either very vigour's or weedy depending on the nature of the rose, Small delicate stems and flowers will give you a weedy plant and vice versa that is why they are grafted in the first place, to control the vigour of the plant unlike grapes which have a disease and need to be grafted to grow well in Europe.If you are worried about damaging the rose and loosing it it is still available in Britain but that aside the picture that I have just seen suggests that you could remove the hedge to about one foot and erect a sturdy support then grow the rose up and over the hawthorn hedge. In Paris France it has reach a height of 12 foot against a wall. I can see why you want to keep the beautiful rose. Just a suggestion the hawthorn will grow back and protect the roses bare bottom stems.
Reply:This is the way I do it:-
Select 3or 4 cuttings from mature wood about 12" long.Make a clean slanting cut from just below a leaf node. Remove some leaves from the bottom to leave at least 6" of bare wood. Dip ends in rooting powder and keep aside.
Drive a garden spade vertically into the ground about half it's depth. Pull the spade forward to leave a hole. Fill the bottom of the hole with about 3" of sharp sand. Place the cuttings against the back wall of the hole having pushed them slightly into the sand. Fill hole with earth and use your foot to compress the soil a bit. Water well. Do'nt touch them for at least a year. Success is not guaranteed but maybe you'll find are green fingered after all !!!
Good luck !
Reply:is it legal to propagate a rose??????
Reply:My wife does this as part of her online business.
Take a cutting off the plant at least 18".
Mix one part honey to three parts water and soak about 6 inches of the cut end in this mixture for 30 minutes or so.
Just stick it in a pot of well drained potting soil about eight inches deep and keep it moist. It will grow new shoots and in about a month roots will start to develop. In two months its ready to transplant outside.
Reply:You have to bud a rose you cannot take a cutting I think and put it on a root stock.
Reply:This is an easy one to propagate...
There's two methods. You can try planting some of the summer prunings now (shoots that have flowered are ripe enough). Take lengths of about pencil thickness and about 8 inches long. Strip off the bottom leaves (leave a couple at the top), and stick them in a moist, shady part of the garden - two thirds of their length in the ground. Don't forget to water them. They will root over the winter, and should be ready to move by the following autumn.
You can also plant leafless cuttings, same sort of size, to two thirds of their depth, in the autumn, after the leaves have dropped off.
Most roses work quite well like this, especially the ramblers (like Albertine) and old shrub roses (Albas, Damasks, Gallicas, etc)
Best of luck.
I am curious about rose hair tarantula molting?
I have a rose hair tarantula and she is just started her molting. I am curious as to how long it will be before she flips over and how long after that will she be strong enough to eat food? She is 1 year old.
I am curious about rose hair tarantula molting?
The longest I've had an adult tarantula take to molt is about 24 hours..
She'll be able to eat again as soon as her fangs are black again. With young ones, I've seen that in as little as three days, but, about a week is probably a safer estimate.
Reply:molting? I hav never heard of that before but in a couple of weeks or months after her molting she will be fine..
answer my question please
Reply:What jennifer said. Just leave it alone for a few days and be sure not to disturb it while its in the process or you risk of actually killing it. Also if you handle the tarantula, do not handle it for atleast a week or even two because they are very fragile after a molt and a drop from just a few inches could kill it.
colon cleansing
I am curious about rose hair tarantula molting?
The longest I've had an adult tarantula take to molt is about 24 hours..
She'll be able to eat again as soon as her fangs are black again. With young ones, I've seen that in as little as three days, but, about a week is probably a safer estimate.
Reply:molting? I hav never heard of that before but in a couple of weeks or months after her molting she will be fine..
answer my question please
Reply:What jennifer said. Just leave it alone for a few days and be sure not to disturb it while its in the process or you risk of actually killing it. Also if you handle the tarantula, do not handle it for atleast a week or even two because they are very fragile after a molt and a drop from just a few inches could kill it.
Which David Austin type rose produces the largest flowers?
I know there are a few places that do this type of rose....
I have grown a couple before, but the flowers were pretty small.
Are there any that produce larger flowers (larger than say, three inches)
Any suggestions appreciated
Which David Austin type rose produces the largest flowers?
A David Austin English rose called Golden Celebration has 5" blooms:
David Austin calls Golden Celebration (AUSgold): “one of the largest-flowered and most magnificent of our English Roses”.
Abraham Darby? English Rose, 4-5" blooms /Peachy pink-yellow reverse / Classic, old-rose buds 50-100 petals:
"The blooms it produces are huge, and can appear singly at the end of a shoot, or more often in small clusters of 3 or so."
Austin's Evelyn rose, flowers 5" or larger...
"The bloom you see here opened fully to nearly 7 inches across!":
David Austin's Gertrude Jekyll rose has rich, glowing pink, 5" blooms gradually open out from little scrolled buds into lovely, large rosettes; 50-100 petal count.
Constance Spry has magnificently large, clear pink blooms 5" flowers:
David Austin's English Rose 'Graham Thomas' flowers measure 4 inches across:
Bishop’s Castle English Rose 3"-4" blooms / 80 petals /
Crown Princess Margareta Rose has 3"-4" blooms:
Jubilee Celebration English Rose, 3"-4" blooms ,medium pink, over 50 petals:
David Austin's Falstaff rose. 3"-4" blooms / 105 petals Crimson to purple / Broad based buds
Charles Darwin has blooms that average about three inches across with an average of 41 petals.
A photo gallery of David Austin roses:
Here is David Austin's official rose website where you can view the new roses for 2008. When you click on the rose search you can scroll down the page to view his rose gallery:
This David Austin rose collection includes Sharifa Asma, English Elegance, Abraham Darby, Orthello, Graham Thomas, Golden Celebration, Constance Spry, %26amp; Charles Austin ...named for the breeder's father.
Charles Austin has huge 4" flower-heads which are packed with apricot-pink petals.
http://www.mooseyscountrygarden.com/rose... (Click on the underlined names in this collection for more photos %26amp; info).
English Elegance is also said to have large flowers: 'an unusual combination of pink, copper, and salmon'.
Good luck!!! Hope this helps.
Reply:Here are some Austin roses that have large blooms:
Bishop's Castle
Golden Celebration
Charles Darwin
James Galway
I have grown a couple before, but the flowers were pretty small.
Are there any that produce larger flowers (larger than say, three inches)
Any suggestions appreciated
Which David Austin type rose produces the largest flowers?
A David Austin English rose called Golden Celebration has 5" blooms:
David Austin calls Golden Celebration (AUSgold): “one of the largest-flowered and most magnificent of our English Roses”.
Abraham Darby? English Rose, 4-5" blooms /Peachy pink-yellow reverse / Classic, old-rose buds 50-100 petals:
"The blooms it produces are huge, and can appear singly at the end of a shoot, or more often in small clusters of 3 or so."
Austin's Evelyn rose, flowers 5" or larger...
"The bloom you see here opened fully to nearly 7 inches across!":
David Austin's Gertrude Jekyll rose has rich, glowing pink, 5" blooms gradually open out from little scrolled buds into lovely, large rosettes; 50-100 petal count.
Constance Spry has magnificently large, clear pink blooms 5" flowers:
David Austin's English Rose 'Graham Thomas' flowers measure 4 inches across:
Bishop’s Castle English Rose 3"-4" blooms / 80 petals /
Crown Princess Margareta Rose has 3"-4" blooms:
Jubilee Celebration English Rose, 3"-4" blooms ,medium pink, over 50 petals:
David Austin's Falstaff rose. 3"-4" blooms / 105 petals Crimson to purple / Broad based buds
Charles Darwin has blooms that average about three inches across with an average of 41 petals.
A photo gallery of David Austin roses:
Here is David Austin's official rose website where you can view the new roses for 2008. When you click on the rose search you can scroll down the page to view his rose gallery:
This David Austin rose collection includes Sharifa Asma, English Elegance, Abraham Darby, Orthello, Graham Thomas, Golden Celebration, Constance Spry, %26amp; Charles Austin ...named for the breeder's father.
Charles Austin has huge 4" flower-heads which are packed with apricot-pink petals.
http://www.mooseyscountrygarden.com/rose... (Click on the underlined names in this collection for more photos %26amp; info).
English Elegance is also said to have large flowers: 'an unusual combination of pink, copper, and salmon'.
Good luck!!! Hope this helps.
Reply:Here are some Austin roses that have large blooms:
Bishop's Castle
Golden Celebration
Charles Darwin
James Galway
A rose in a vase is placed 0.210 m in front of a plane mirror. How far is the image?
Q: A rose in a vase is placed 0.210 m in front of a plane mirror. Nagar looks into the mirror from 2.20 m in front of it. How far away from Nagar is the image of the rose?
A rose in a vase is placed 0.210 m in front of a plane mirror. How far is the image?
2.41m.......He's already 2.2m from the mirror and the Q asks for the distance btwn him and the IMAGE of the rose. All you do is add them up...
A rose in a vase is placed 0.210 m in front of a plane mirror. How far is the image?
2.41m.......He's already 2.2m from the mirror and the Q asks for the distance btwn him and the IMAGE of the rose. All you do is add them up...
Is Rose Hips Oil or Rose Hips Extract better for skincare? Any particular brand you recommend?
Whichever one is best for Anti-aging and highest Vitamin C is what I'm looking for.
Is there any Rose Hips Extract without alcohol?
Is Rose Hips Oil or Rose Hips Extract better for skincare? Any particular brand you recommend?
I've heard of rosemary and rosewood...but not rose hips. You can take vitamin C pills or use Olay anti aging cream.
Is there any Rose Hips Extract without alcohol?
Is Rose Hips Oil or Rose Hips Extract better for skincare? Any particular brand you recommend?
I've heard of rosemary and rosewood...but not rose hips. You can take vitamin C pills or use Olay anti aging cream.
What was the name of the song that is played on Rose's music box in Titanic?
Can you tell me what the song was that was playing on Rose's music box when Cal gives her the diamond? The first right answer will be chosen as best answer.
What was the name of the song that is played on Rose's music box in Titanic?
My Heart Goes On... the same obnoxious song that Celine Dione sings during the credits.
Reply:That isn't even the name of the song that is played at the end credits. The correct answer was "Tales from the Vienna Woods" by Johann Strauss Jr. Report It
Reply:My Heart will go on
What was the name of the song that is played on Rose's music box in Titanic?
My Heart Goes On... the same obnoxious song that Celine Dione sings during the credits.
Reply:That isn't even the name of the song that is played at the end credits. The correct answer was "Tales from the Vienna Woods" by Johann Strauss Jr. Report It
Reply:My Heart will go on
Friday, January 27, 2012
Anyone please help me, Im in need of learning how to get a Blue Rose?
I am well aware that a blue rose is artificial. However, I need to get one for my GF because she doesnt beleive I can get it.
Does anyone know, How to get one or make one. Ive been told in the past your supposed to dye a white rose. How would I go about doing that. Any help in this situation would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone please help me, Im in need of learning how to get a Blue Rose?
The blue dye will just dye the "veins" in the petals. Ask a florist to use blue floral paint to make a dozen blue roses. Unlike regular spray paint, it is very delicate, and the roses will still look very pretty. Hope you get some.
Reply:Take a white rose or roses and cut the ends of them and then place them into a vase with water and food coloring.... by the next day your white rose will be blue :)
Reply:Die a white rose(s) using food coloring. You can buy food coloring at the grocery store. Just mix the food coloring as directed in a small bowl and let the rose soak in the food coloring. She'll be so surprised:)
Reply:Plant your own Blue Rose from:
1. Blue Nile (hybrid T, Lavender Blue)
2. Saphire (hybrid T, Blue bluish shade),
3 Blue Jay (floribanda, Lavvender Blue)
Decent makeup brandsbeauty cosmetics
Does anyone know, How to get one or make one. Ive been told in the past your supposed to dye a white rose. How would I go about doing that. Any help in this situation would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone please help me, Im in need of learning how to get a Blue Rose?
The blue dye will just dye the "veins" in the petals. Ask a florist to use blue floral paint to make a dozen blue roses. Unlike regular spray paint, it is very delicate, and the roses will still look very pretty. Hope you get some.
Reply:Take a white rose or roses and cut the ends of them and then place them into a vase with water and food coloring.... by the next day your white rose will be blue :)
Reply:Die a white rose(s) using food coloring. You can buy food coloring at the grocery store. Just mix the food coloring as directed in a small bowl and let the rose soak in the food coloring. She'll be so surprised:)
Reply:Plant your own Blue Rose from:
1. Blue Nile (hybrid T, Lavender Blue)
2. Saphire (hybrid T, Blue bluish shade),
3 Blue Jay (floribanda, Lavvender Blue)
Decent makeup brands
Is there a home remedy to take care of a rose bush??
the flowers are blooming fine...it's just my leaves are dying!! they turn yellow w/ dark brown-black spots and then just fall off? i need a cheap way to replace the rose food that it might need...or is it another problem?
Is there a home remedy to take care of a rose bush??
What you have is a disease called black spot. It's a fungus. You can treat it fairly easily, although you will have to be persistent until you get it under control. First, work a layer of corn meal into the soil around the plants. Then spray the leaves with a 1:10 solution of milk to water. However, if you have lost too many leaves, you may have to prune the plants back to the first healthy area and start from there.
Reply:You have Rust spots,Mold Black spots. This can be treated by going to your local Home and Garden Nusery section.
The prduct is put-out by meny companys. Ortheo,in CA the Local 49 Brand has their own labels from the Ca. Garden Shop Nusery. Then Home Depots, Lowes will have the Ortheo brand. The lable states for Disease, Fungus,Black Spot,Rust spots Sprays Follow Lable direction for Applications. that applies for home owner useages.
If you have family pets, Children follow the lable directions for proper storeage and other useages.
If you live outside of CA area then you may wnat to check also some True Value or Ace hardware outlets.
I am aware the stores may be limited to their supplies on seasonal items. However for Roses they should have these items in stock. Good Luck and Keep that green habits of Gardening.
Reply:You have an infestation problem. Probably spider mites. See if you can't round up some lady bugs, as they will eat the spider mites, giving you an organic solution to your problem.
Reply:you may be watering to much
just water in the morning
rotten banana peels help
good luck they're hard to take care of
Reply:What you have is black spot.And the best way to take care of it is to actually buy ortho insect and disease control.
Is there a home remedy to take care of a rose bush??
What you have is a disease called black spot. It's a fungus. You can treat it fairly easily, although you will have to be persistent until you get it under control. First, work a layer of corn meal into the soil around the plants. Then spray the leaves with a 1:10 solution of milk to water. However, if you have lost too many leaves, you may have to prune the plants back to the first healthy area and start from there.
Reply:You have Rust spots,Mold Black spots. This can be treated by going to your local Home and Garden Nusery section.
The prduct is put-out by meny companys. Ortheo,in CA the Local 49 Brand has their own labels from the Ca. Garden Shop Nusery. Then Home Depots, Lowes will have the Ortheo brand. The lable states for Disease, Fungus,Black Spot,Rust spots Sprays Follow Lable direction for Applications. that applies for home owner useages.
If you have family pets, Children follow the lable directions for proper storeage and other useages.
If you live outside of CA area then you may wnat to check also some True Value or Ace hardware outlets.
I am aware the stores may be limited to their supplies on seasonal items. However for Roses they should have these items in stock. Good Luck and Keep that green habits of Gardening.
Reply:You have an infestation problem. Probably spider mites. See if you can't round up some lady bugs, as they will eat the spider mites, giving you an organic solution to your problem.
Reply:you may be watering to much
just water in the morning
rotten banana peels help
good luck they're hard to take care of
Reply:What you have is black spot.And the best way to take care of it is to actually buy ortho insect and disease control.
In order to organize a college football playoff system would you boycott the Rose Bowl?
An article from sportswriter Dan Wetzel places the blame for a lack of a playoff system on the arrangement between the Big 10 and PAC-10 with the Rose Bowl. It seems the only way and it makes sense is to hurt the bottom line of the Rose Bowl and the powerbase of Big 10 commissioner Delany. So don't attend the function or watch it on TV.
In order to organize a college football playoff system would you boycott the Rose Bowl?
This is true to an extent. It's not just The big ten and Pac ten it's the other large conferences too. No one wants to give up the money the schools get directly. In a play off system like March Madness the network carrying the event gets all the revenue. The first round losers get X amount, the second round losers get X amount, and so on. Even if UCLA is a number one seed and number one through out the year, they lose the first round, they're assed out of the payday.
This is why Florida lobbied so hard to get into the National Championship. They'll get a bigger payday even if they lose.
I myself want a play off as much as everyone else but I don't think we're going to see one for a while. Bummer!!!!
Fight On!!!
Reply:Why a playoff system? This just feeds the frenzy of athletics over academics and to play to win at all costs! If sports fanatics want a playoff system for young players, then let them start up junior football leagues that don't require academic participation. Sheesh.
Reply:trying to boycott the rosebowl would be like trying to get people to boycott shopping to take the commericalism out of christmas. The rose bowl is really the only bowl game that matters. And yes i agree that the Rose Bowl- and all bowl games are more about money greed than about the love of football. Have you noticed how it seem that they invent a new bowl game every other season? I just worked at the Poinsettia Bowl a couple weeks ago. Two obscure small schools TCU and NIU played and TCU killed em'. What was the point? Money. The stadium makes money, the city, sponsors, everyone but the players get paid off of a worthless quasi championship game.
Reply:Boycott all NCAA football until they go to playoffs. Use the top 32 teams. It would take 5 weeks. The BCS take longer than that. The 33rd place team could not realistically claim they are a contender. If you only used 16 teams, It is possible the 17th place team may have a reasonable claim. Also 32 teams would provide plenty of $ from corporate sponsors.
Reply:Ummm... no everyone will come around eventually and the Rose Bowl is the "Grandaddy of 'em all"
Reply:why boycot the rose bowl? What's wrong with the Rosebowl?
Reply:If you want to hurt Delaney, stop going to Big Ten games. If the schools start seeing a drop in revenue because fans are pissed, they might get the message.
Reply:no the rose bowl would be the semi finals
Reply:I would think they could play all of the playoff games in those bowls. Just not actually call them "Sugar Bowl" or "Fiesta Bowl" etc...but still have the same sponsers. The money would still be there from the fans attending and the TV contracts. Then maybe have the championship game in the Rose Bowl or something. No matter what they say, I still feel the biggest reason why they don't have a playoff system in CFB is because of the belief that money would be lost. But they could easily arrange it so that doesn't happen.
In order to organize a college football playoff system would you boycott the Rose Bowl?
This is true to an extent. It's not just The big ten and Pac ten it's the other large conferences too. No one wants to give up the money the schools get directly. In a play off system like March Madness the network carrying the event gets all the revenue. The first round losers get X amount, the second round losers get X amount, and so on. Even if UCLA is a number one seed and number one through out the year, they lose the first round, they're assed out of the payday.
This is why Florida lobbied so hard to get into the National Championship. They'll get a bigger payday even if they lose.
I myself want a play off as much as everyone else but I don't think we're going to see one for a while. Bummer!!!!
Fight On!!!
Reply:Why a playoff system? This just feeds the frenzy of athletics over academics and to play to win at all costs! If sports fanatics want a playoff system for young players, then let them start up junior football leagues that don't require academic participation. Sheesh.
Reply:trying to boycott the rosebowl would be like trying to get people to boycott shopping to take the commericalism out of christmas. The rose bowl is really the only bowl game that matters. And yes i agree that the Rose Bowl- and all bowl games are more about money greed than about the love of football. Have you noticed how it seem that they invent a new bowl game every other season? I just worked at the Poinsettia Bowl a couple weeks ago. Two obscure small schools TCU and NIU played and TCU killed em'. What was the point? Money. The stadium makes money, the city, sponsors, everyone but the players get paid off of a worthless quasi championship game.
Reply:Boycott all NCAA football until they go to playoffs. Use the top 32 teams. It would take 5 weeks. The BCS take longer than that. The 33rd place team could not realistically claim they are a contender. If you only used 16 teams, It is possible the 17th place team may have a reasonable claim. Also 32 teams would provide plenty of $ from corporate sponsors.
Reply:Ummm... no everyone will come around eventually and the Rose Bowl is the "Grandaddy of 'em all"
Reply:why boycot the rose bowl? What's wrong with the Rosebowl?
Reply:If you want to hurt Delaney, stop going to Big Ten games. If the schools start seeing a drop in revenue because fans are pissed, they might get the message.
Reply:no the rose bowl would be the semi finals
Reply:I would think they could play all of the playoff games in those bowls. Just not actually call them "Sugar Bowl" or "Fiesta Bowl" etc...but still have the same sponsers. The money would still be there from the fans attending and the TV contracts. Then maybe have the championship game in the Rose Bowl or something. No matter what they say, I still feel the biggest reason why they don't have a playoff system in CFB is because of the belief that money would be lost. But they could easily arrange it so that doesn't happen.
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