Monday, January 30, 2012

What can I do for my rose bushes?

I do not know if they are old and should be dug up. Or if I should get a differant fertilizer. How long do rose bushes last? They looked better last year but were very scrawny and did not have many flowers at all? Thank You
What can I do for my rose bushes?
Roses are temperamental depending on the winter that you have( scrawny last year could have been a bad winter). If you cut back every November to the original canes it should last 30 years ar least. Bone calcium just after cut back and fertilizer in January and Lots of water and your plant should recover! but if that doesn't sound like it try taking part of it to a UC EXTENSION they specialize in plants and there problems
Reply:fro what i read so far, adding used tea bags, egg shells would help. get some fertaliser specially for roses.
Reply:Roses are a pita because they do grow so slowly. They don't take the work some claim, though. They are, however, suceptable to watch for them! I fertalize mine in the spring and in the summer and in the fall. I just buy rose food from the store. Rose Tone is great. Look for something that says it promotes blooms in roses. Make sure they have enough water, but not standing in it. Mulch around the base of them. It helps keep in moisture. Some roses are decades and decades old. They last forever, but grow pretty slowly.
Reply:My MOm always puts the used coffe grounds around them and also egg shells. And she has some of the biggest roses around...

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