Thursday, January 26, 2012

How can I kill the bugs that have chosen my indoor potted rose plant for a home before they kill my plant?

I am growing a rose plant in a pot and i brought it inside for the winter. Since it's been inside it has been under constant attack by aphids and these wormy-millipedie things. What can i do to keep the bugs off and help my plant survive the winter indoors.
How can I kill the bugs that have chosen my indoor potted rose plant for a home before they kill my plant?
Reynwater said "Dysiston" which I also think works good. But also change the soil. When I bring in my plants for the winter I spray them and change the soil.
Reply:Dysiston is an excellent systemic pesticide. Available at garden shops. Stinky, but killz kritters! Or you can use the good old soapy water spray thing to kill aphids....I managed to kill a chrisanthemum with dish soap.
Reply:house spectricide in a powder. its really good. also, make sure u let it dry out completely. granny
Reply:There are all sorts of natural pesticide methods to take care of this, but I'm afraid none of them will work terribly well for you (your best shot is to try insecticidal soap). In my experiences, the only thing that has worked for me is systemic pesticide. It is smelly and toxic, but it works.

Next year, try treating the plants you are bringing in with systemic pesticide a couple of weeks before you bring them inside. Be careful with it around pets!

-Good luck
bucked teeth

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