Thursday, January 26, 2012

How do I promote flowers on a miniature rose bush?

I have an indoor miniature rose bush. The leaves are growing well, but it has not had roses in quite some time. Is there a way to promote growth of the flowers? Thanks
How do I promote flowers on a miniature rose bush?
You have to prune roses to get flowers.

all roses grow leaves the same way.

Look at the ends of your plants and count the number of leaves on each branch.

You will see branches with either 3, 5 or 7 leaves.

If you keep the branches pruned at the 5 leaf point, you get more stems with 3 leaves and more flowers.

If you prune at the 7 leaf point you will get more branches with 5 leaves and then stems with 3 leaves and a flower.


In addition,,

Use a high phosphate, low-nitrogen fertilizer when feeding.
Reply:Give it a little Epsom salt,just a pinch, and trim it above a outward facing ,five leafed leaf. Cut it at a 45 degree angle right above that. It will promote new buds to form. Also they like full sun, and water it WELL after putting in the Epsom salt. Water once a week,with warm water ,not cold,they don't like that, and try not to get the plant wet. If you do, do it early in the morning so it'll have time to dry. Also. cut away any cross branches in the middle of the plant. If this is not an option, just cut the ones that are touching each other in the middle of it. That's All Folks! Bye
Reply:Put it outside so that it experiences seasons, bring it in when too cold though.
Reply:u just trim off all blooms that it has now even if they aren't open yet! it'll repay ya with mulitple blooms in the next day or two! do this once or twice a month and by july or august ur mini rose bush will be full of blooms... so many in fact that u might not even see ne green on the whole bush... but it's there, it's just got so many blooms is all! i do it every year and it works like a charm. u don't need to add ne kind of fertilizer for this to happen, it's just how a mini rose bush grows and reacts to weekly to monthly trimmings. try it, and u'll see what i'm talking about. oh yeah... if it doesn't have ne blooms right now....just shave the top inch or so of foliage off and it'll react the same way! *****oh rose bushes do best outside too! it might not ever bloom if u keep it inside!******

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