Thursday, January 26, 2012

How do take care of a small rose plant?

My sister got my a small rose plant while I was in the hospital, and now all the blooms have died, and it looks like I've killed it. Its also still in the container that it came in. What do I do??
How do take care of a small rose plant?
look and see if the plant has become root bound by lifting the entire plant out of the pot and seeing if the roots have become wrapped around the base multiple times or if the roots are coming through the holes in the bottom. If this is the case you will need to get a bigger pot and more soil to replant the bush.

Make sure you are gentle with the roots of this bush.

Roses don't stay in bloom forever. The flower eventually dies off. You need to clip the spent buds off of the plant to encourage more blooms to come forth.

Water the plant when the soil gets dry. you can feed the plant once every 2-3 months with a bit of osmocote. Its a slow releasing plant food.

Make sure your plant gets plenty of sun. Since it is summer time it would be a good time to sit the plant outside and let nature take care of the plant for a while.

If you want and you have a backyard or some type of lawn you can plant it outside and again let nature take of the plant.

Just remember to clip the flowers. The leaves turn red when the plant is about to bloom.

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