Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why does adding Epson Salt to the soil of a rose bush make it bloom?

Why does Epson Salts make a rose bloom? My mother in law had a rose bush under her Kitchen window for 20 years and it never bloomed once. A neighbor suggested she add some Epson Salt to the soil around the bush. She did, and the thing has been producing flowers every year since. What is there in Epson Salts that encourages growth in the rose bush? Is this treatment good for other plants as well?
Why does adding Epson Salt to the soil of a rose bush make it bloom?
Epson salts ( Magnesium Sulphate ) obviously contains Magnesium

an inportant trace element in the groth of roses, as well as apples

( the rose is part of the Apple family ) Don't over do it with them , however .... about two tablespoons dissolved in a gallon of water

is the usual amount . Soak it in next to the roots, being careful not to wet the foliage ( NEVER a good idea )

a couple of ohter things to try ... Eggshells . Save your eggshells ; let them dry a day or so, and crush them up fine, and apply to the base of the plant. This will help supply Calcium , another important mineral.The other thing to try is banana peels. I cut them up with mt kitchen shears , and spread them out under the plants.

These also supply Magnesium, as well as Potassium ... They turn brown in a day or so, and disappear into the soil.... I save both eggshells and banana peels all winter, and applt them liberally , come spring.....
Reply:The Epson Salt does not cause the flower to bloom. The salt actually gives the roses a bad case of diarreah which fertilizes the soil around the plant and promotes growth. Manure is a organic fertilizer.
Reply:Epsom salt is a potassium salt, and potassium is the soil nutrient most closely related to bloom production.

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