Monday, February 13, 2012

What is eating my rose leaves and leaving little black balls?

I can't see a bug, only little black balls on some of the leaves. The pest is eating the leaves completely off, leaving only the stem and main "veins" of the leaf. The plant seems healthy and is blooming, but it just hardly has any leaves. It is surely being eaten, as opposed to mold or rot or something, because I can see the holes and the edges look just like some little teeth ate them.
What is eating my rose leaves and leaving little black balls?
Snail poop! Slug Poop!You can not see them because they eat mostly at nightfall and are very good at hiding.Snails do not have teeth but they eat as though they do.Turn rocks, or borders over that are near by and I bet you will find the culprits!The slugs are little harder to spot, usually dark wet%26amp; looking They stay out of the heat in the day in darker cooler places.

You can sprinkle some snail bait around you plants and it will take care of the problem.

God Bless

Reply:I am a landscaper. I would say to use an environment-friendly insecticide.
Reply:possibly janpanese beetles..this is the time of year for them...Ive been battling them myself on my roses....sevin dust seems to be working well against them..
Reply:Those "little black balls" are caterpillar leavings (poop). Buy an insecticide made for flowering plants, or search for the bugs on the underside of the leaves above the balls and pick off.

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