Monday, February 13, 2012

What's the best way to de-seed rose hips?

I tried washing them before getting the seeds out, kinda worked. Also tried drying them in a dehydrator. Kinda worked.

Does anyone have steps or tips for me? It's so hard to pick all the fuzz and seeds out of every piece.
What's the best way to de-seed rose hips?
You have to be really devoted to harvesting the rose hips.cause there really is no easy way.

I pick em ,wash em ,let em dry.

I pinch off the flower end then I cut them in halves and scoop the fuzz out with my finger nail .

Used to be you could pick up a coke spoon at paraphernalia

stores that worked perfectly for that job. but they closed those down and I don't run with that crowd anymore ,so my fingernail is as good as it gets.

you just have to be patient ,I have hundreds of them this year to do .


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