Wednesday, February 1, 2012

What type of rose speicies can I grow in shade.?

I want to plant roses in my garden however I dont get much sun in my garden. Can anyone tell me which breeds of rose are more tolarent to shade
What type of rose speicies can I grow in shade.?
I live in the Rose-growing Capital of the USA. All varieties of roses take full sun. We have the largest municipal rose garden in the USA, and are responsible for developing several well-known varieties of roses. Roses love the sun. They will die in the shade. Sorry to tell you this.
Reply:Nice list from for great nursery. Too long to detail here. Here's the URL:
Reply:Sorry , most roses do need on average at the very least 6 hours of full sun each day , especially if you want them to flower and be able to control disease. Knock- out roses can get less (5 hours a day) and are resistant to some fungus. However, their blooms don't have a aroma. You might want to consider growing rose bushes in a decorative containers in a sunny area on your property. Hope that was some help and good luck
bucked teeth

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